Thread of Darkness Species

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Main: Thread of Darkness

Throughout Explored-Space, there are hundreds of planets with advanced life forms, several of which have evolved sentient species. The technological level of these varied sentient species range from primitive hunter-gathers to those possessing advanced space-flight.

Primitive Species

There are several worlds in Explored-Space which have sentient species, but the "primitive" species are those which have not yet ventured from their home world. The technological level of these species vary from TL1 to TL8. The wolds of the primitive species are protected by the Republic military who enforces a "neutral zone" around the star system to keep out oppositional species intent on attack or conquest.

Space-faring Species


Ahvssek.jpg Government Type Matriarchal Theocracy Optimum Conditions 1 G, 1 ATM (78% N2, 21% O2), 45°F to 130°F
Trial / Punishment church inquiry, punishable by period of exile (days to years) Native Terrain {{{terrain}}}
Tech Level 10 Avg. Height / Weight {{{height weight}}}
Control Rating Controlled (4) General Behavior Defensive
Legal Class {{{LC}}} Diet {{{diet}}}
Homeworld ??? Appearance {{{appearance}}}
Occupied Systems {{{star systems}}}

The Ahvssek (av-sek) is a strong-willed, devout society, dedicated to the doctrines of their faith. They believe there exists a single, all-powerful deity (“Goya”) that created the universe and provides for the needs of all life. Their supreme ruler, the Grand High Matron, serves the roles of both the high-priestess of the faithful and the governmental leader. For the most part, they are a peaceful society, but any who speak or act against the will of Goya are viewed as enemies of the faith. Within their culture, males are predominately less intelligence an fill the role of laborers and warriors, where as the females claim the role of authority. They have little tolerance of outsiders intruding on their worlds outside the spaceports and there are sacred sites which are strictly off-limits (with threat of execution to those who violate this restriction).

Every Ahvssek is dependent upon the unique energies provide by the "Life Crystals" found on their home-world. At their right-of-passage, they much take a pilgrimage into the "Soul Rift" to seek a personal crystal which they will keep with themselves the rest of their adult life. Losing one's "Life Crystal" is viewed as a major disgrace.

Religion Goya, the "Life Mother",... only female can become ordained priestesses of the church, and only a priestess can take positions of leadership within the government...

Rituals All Ahvssek perform religious rituals: some are only done once at specific stages of their life where as there are several rituals that must be done each day. The daily rituals that all must do are mostly quite simple and do not take much time. The most complex rituals, done as rights of passage or only by ordained priestesses, can be very elaborate, ceremonial and take many hours or days to complete.

  • Bless the Meal
  • Greet the Power of the Day (sunrise)
  • Greet the Comfort of the Night (sunset)
  • Enter presence of a priestess
  • Welcome guests into one's blessed home
  • Leaving the blessed home of a host/hostess
  • Etc.

Racial Physiology & Characteristics A human zoologist might classify an Ahvssek as something like a hybrid between a rhinoceros and triceratops, given that they have a thick, leathery, hairless hide, (yellow-green to gray-green in color) covering a massive, muscular body and the males all have a large horn that can be quite deadly in close, unarmed combat. Although the males are much larger in size, even the smallest females are larger than the biggest Human. Other distinguishing features are their beak-like-mouth and three-fingered hands lacking an opposable thumb, but each tipped with a sharp claws.

Ahvssek evolved on an arid desert world with very warm temperatures, which explains their reptilian cold-blooded biology. They have a diet of fruits and vegetables and require much less volume of food than there body size would suggest.

To many other species, Ahvssek seem sluggish and dull--slow to anger--however, when driven by necessity, they can be especially aggressive and can be extremely difficult to calm or subdue--not quick to forgive.

Racial Traits: Berserk (12); Claws (sharp); Cold-Blooded ("stiff" below 50°); Damage Resistance 4 (tough skin); Dependency (rare crystal, monthly); Dull (quirk); Gigantism; Hard to Subdue 2; Increased ST 6; Low Manual Dexterity 2; No Sense of Humor; Temperature Tolerance 3 (HT x degrees hotter)... costing 12 CP. Males also have Social Stigma (Second-Class Citizen) and Striker (horn, imp) for an additional 3 CP.

The males seldom have an IQ above 10, but usually have a much higher ST than the females, often ST 20 or more.


Entium.jpg Government Type Matriarchal Diplomatic Representative Democracy Optimum Conditions 1 G, 1 ATM (78% N2, 21% O2), 35°F to 90°F
Trial / Punishment Tribal tribunal, punishable by humiliation or neuter/castrate (major offenses) Native Terrain {{{terrain}}}
Tech Level 10 Avg. Height / Weight {{{height weight}}}
Control Rating Moderate (3) General Behavior Defensive
Legal Class {{{LC}}} Diet {{{diet}}}
Homeworld Kuwoalemnu in the Hewooiluho system Appearance {{{appearance}}}
Occupied Systems {{{star systems}}}

Eldest of the Republic species, the Entium (en-tē-um) created the foundation for what would become the Republic of Allied Worlds. Individually, they are very timid, but as a society, they have been very dedicated in promoting galactic peace and championing the need to protect developing species. They are a very spirited and fun-loving society which most other species enjoy associating with.

Humans liken Entium to the Satyr of mythology due to their appearance and personality.

Racial Physiology & Characteristics In comparison to Humans, Entium tend to be about 15% taller, with average heights of 6'0" to 7'0", but with a slender body build, putting their average weight in the same range as the average human. Females tend to be on the shorter/lighter end of this average. Aside from their physical appearance differences, Entium are notably different in regards to their high mobility and ability to make exceptional jumps, reminiscent of the Gazelle of Earth. They prefer to run in natural terrain, but are equipped with special boots that facility travel on smooth surfaces or paved walkways, so they are not hampered by their cloven hooves in modern social environments.

Course hair covering entire body, longer on shoulders, under chin and around lower legs; light-brown or gray in color. Golden eyes with hourglass shaped pupils. Diet of grasses and green-leafy plants.

Racial Traits: Acute Smell 4; Claws (hooves); Colorblindness; Enhanced Move 0.5 (ground, move x 1.5, fatigue cost: 2 FP); Fur; No Depth Perception; Odious Racial Habit 1 (barn smell & buzzing flies); Peripheral Vision; Sense of Duty (Tribe); Skinny; Striker (horns, imp, cannot parry); Super Jump 1 (fatigue cost: 2 FP, takes recharge: 5 sec)... costing 4 CP.

The Entium species adheres to a heard psychology, so most Entium will have Gregarious or at a minimum Chummy, and most are not bold so will typically have some degree of Cowardice or Fearfulness. They are also very agile and enjoy running, so often have a DX higher than the average Human, as well as a high level of running skill.


Gelsh.jpg Government Type Feudal Aristocracy Optimum Conditions {{{environment}}}
Trial / Punishment {{{trial}}} Native Terrain {{{terrain}}}
Tech Level 10 Avg. Height / Weight {{{height weight}}}
Control Rating controlled (4) General Behavior Cautious, arrogant
Legal Class licensed (3) Diet {{{diet}}}
Homeworld Kama-Orhilendra-6b Appearance {{{appearance}}}
Occupied Systems {{{star systems}}}

The Gelsh joined the Republic 3256:074RD). The Gelsh people have a strong, nearly instinctual drive for tradition. They pride themselves on being able to track their ancestry back for thousands of years and often keep detailed family histories with the best tales shared at family gatherings during annual celebrations. Because they are so traditional, they were slow to advance in technology and had a very long history before they ever succeeded in venturing into space. Even though some technology has provided the capability for more advanced weaponry, by tradition they still prefer to use the melee weapons from their history (metal swords for example).

Society Government: Traditionalist Aristocracy - "Union of Kingdoms"

  • Gimad Udjit Orshilagan, High Lord of the Gelsh, patriarch of the Udjit family.
  • Udjit Ojmad, Gelsh Republic Assembly Senator, cousin of Orshilagan.
    • Udjit Umhraf, younger brother of Orshilagan, prior senator, was killed during negotiation of the Chaluuk invasion of Abatu-3.
  • Atkara Omkara, Seneschal to the High Lord Orshilagan.

Trial/Punishment: trial by local lord, punishable by torture or slavery.
Tech Level: 10
Control Rating: controlled (4)
Legal Class: licensed (3)
General Attitude: Cautious, arrogant

Although their culture has a strong division between the Nobility and the Peasantry, any contention between the two was resolved many thousands of years ago. Very few, only the most unique, would be discontent with their born position or have ambitions for changing. This does not mean that they have to ambition for success, but they view it only so far as success within their limits.

For Gelsh, adorning their bodies with expensive clothing and jewelry is directly related to the display of rank/status within their society. To be publicly stripped of ones cloths is to become as an outcast. Additionally, the Gelsh mark their bodies with ritualistic tattoos that designate accomplishments or achieving rights of passage.

Nobility There are five ranks within the nobility of the Gelsh that are directly related to their social status, administrative authority and military ranking. In many cases, the children or nephews/nieces of a leader will be granted positions of leadership one level down from their parents, example: a Kajad’s son may be a Raamad on his father’s world. Ruler-ship is primarily inherited, but a ruler is always able to control who is assigned in the lesser ranks within his charge.

  • Gimad (-ra) – The supreme ruler of the Gelsh; king (queen).
  • Kajad (-ra) – The supreme rule of each world in Gelsh territory, vassal to the Gimad; duke (duchess), also granted military rank of General.
  • Raamad (-ra) – The ruler of a realm/continent of a world, vassal to the Kajad; baron (baroness), also granted military rank of Colonel.
  • Prajad (-ra) – The ruler of a local province (similar to a state), vassal to the Raamad; lord governor (lady governess), also granted military ran of Major.
  • Kashvad – The ruler of a village, town or city, vassal to the Prajad; knight, also granted military rank of Captain.

Major Families of the Gelsh Nobilty

  • Udjit
  • Yojith
  • Atkara
  • Utroor
  • Abhrajith
  • Ujlendra


File:Gelsh monistary.PNG
Gelsh Monastery

Holding a status much higher than the Peasantry, but beneath that of the Nobility, the Mystics are made up a devout few that oversee the religious beliefs of the Gelsh and perform the holy rituals. After many years of training and prayer, some are granted divine abilities that seem like magic to other.

Peasantry All Gelsh that are not of Nobility are considered to be members of the peasantry. Although it is possible for a peasant to be successful in life and gain some status or rank, they still remain peasants. Only a rare few, by great merit, ever succeed in being elevated to nobility. The peasantry makes up the majority of the populace of the Gelsh kingdom.

Slaves Gelsh are not opposed to the taking of other species to serve as slaves, but the majority of slaves are in fact criminals who have been stripped of all rights and possessions. These individuals are forced to work in the most laborious ways (such as mining and quarrying) and provided little more than basic food and water. This is usually a life-long punishment. Few have ever been elevated from slavery back up to peasantry.

Names Although criminals and slaves still use names to refer to each other, officially they have been stripped of their names. Peasants and Nobility will refer to them simply as "filth" or "worthless one" or other such things.

Members of the Peasantry do not have family names. They have only a given name. On official records, their given name is associated with the Noble family they serve and the village they reside within. Example: Yohakara of Ujlendra from Tothjek.

Members of the Nobility are referred to by their title (if any), family name and given name. Example: Kashvad Ujlendra Amhiraam

Religion <pending>

Racial Template Cost: -13 CP
Advantages: High TL 1 [5]
Disadvantages: Chauvinistic (quirk) [-1]; Compulsive Behavior (Spending, 12 or less) [-5]; Hidebound [-5]; Selfish (9) [-7]; Skinny [-5]; Staid (quirk) [-1]
Features: body tattoos denoting accomplishments
Taboos: Psychic and/or Magic only available to Mystic class
Skill Bonus/Penalty: +1 Melee Weapon (broadsword) [2]
Racially Learned Skills: Heraldry (A) IQ [2]; Savoir-Faire (High-Society,E) IQ+1 [2]

Racial Physiology & Characteristics

&#149; Average Height: 5'-10" (male), 5'-7" (female)
&#149; Average Weight: 135 lbs (male), 105 lbs (female)
&#149; Skin type and color: Normal skin, greenish-yellow to orange color
&#149; Hair type and color: Found on head or face (males) only, black or dark-brown.
&#149; Other distinctive appearances: Compulsive adornment with expensive clothing and jewelry
&#149; Type of hands/feet: Human-like.
&#149; Body build: Bisymmetrical, erect standing, two-legs, two-arms, very slender and gaunt
&#149; Natural environment: Temperate forests.
&#149; Optimum environmental conditions: 1 G, 1 ATM (78% N2, 21% O2), 45°F to 100°F
&#149; Diet: Any.
&#149; Are they more gregarious or solitary in nature? Gregarious
&#149; Large cities, small villages, or family groups? Large cities.
&#149; How do they react in an emergency? Cautious
&#149; Are they more curious or are they complacent? Complacent


Space suit.jpg Government Type Corporate Empire
United Coalitions Imperium (UCI)
Optimum Conditions 1.0 G, 1 ATM (78% N2, 21% O2), 55°F to 110°F
Trial / Punishment Managerial Inquiry: Fines, Demotion or Forced Labor Native Terrain {{{terrain}}}
Tech Level 9 Avg. Height / Weight {{{height weight}}}
Control Rating Controlled (4) General Behavior Diplomatic
Legal Class {{{LC}}} Diet {{{diet}}}
Homeworld Earth Appearance {{{appearance}}}
Occupied Systems {{{star systems}}}

Humanity joined the Republic of Allied Worlds on June 2nd, 2120 (3396:252RD).


Since the dawn of mankind, humans have toiled and fought for each opportunity to improve their chances of living. They invented tools to make work easier. They crafted materials to provide better shelter from the environment. They created weapons to more successfully hunt for food and to better defend from predators. They devised literacy which allowed them to pass on the knowledge and lessons already learned. For several millennium, mankind prospered, permitting them to explore, expand and overcome the dangers of their world. However, mankind reached a point that their greatest threat to life was each other. Wars, pollution, famine, depleted resources, and diseases were becoming a danger greater than their advanced knowledge could control. Mankind struggled to find solutions, but with little hope for saving their world, they began looking to other worlds as a source of salvation. Desperation motivated a focused effort that succeeded in placing the first steps of mankind on other planets within the Sol system. However, if left to themselves, those meager outposts would not have been sufficient in preventing the fall of mankind. It was a strange bit of fortune that offered them a chance at survival.

6 October 2073
Researchers at SETI detected signals from an area just past Neptune which appeared to be communication between multiple starships. Telescopic confirmation quickly confirmed that there was a group of five starships flying rapidly into the Sol system. Any hopes that mankind had for a friendly first contact with an alien civilization were crushed after the starships assaulted and destroyed a mining outpost in the rings of Saturn. With little time to prepare a defense and outclassed by the alien technology, the survival of mankind looked grim. After 27 days of warfare, the cat-like aliens had destroyed the lunar colony and all the space stations orbiting Earth, but mankind had succeeded in eliminating four of the five ships and capturing the fifth.

Knowledge gained by reverse-engineering the captured Oncama spaceship led to the single-most-important technological advancement of human history and provided the much needed key to the survival of mankind. The faster-than-light (FTL) capabilities of the starship’s flight system meant that mankind could effectively expand beyond the limits of the Sol system and begin colonizing new worlds. By 2096, mankind had established colonies in eight other star systems: Territories of Human Space.

16 August 2096
On two occasions following the first arrival of aliens, first in 2078 and again in 2084, the Oncama sent fleets of starships to assault Sol system. In both cases, mankind was much more prepared and succeeded in fending off the attacks. Then, in 2096, when a lone starship entered the Wells system, mankind was pleasantly surprised to find a new race of aliens instead of the warring Oncama. This exploration/research starship, crewed by Turuk, was eager to meet the people of Earth and extend an invitation of friendship. By 2098, the Turuk ambassador to Sol had formalized the alliance of peace and trade with mankind. The rulers of mankind viewed this as a opportunity for greater technological advancement and further expansion into space.

The Turuk sold the technology of the Star Portal to mankind, which offered a means of nearly instant transportation between nearby star systems. Within 20 years, all eight primary colonies and Sol system were networked through the Star Portal.

2 June 2120
After 25 galactic years of peace with the Turuk, mankind was nominated for consideration of acceptance into the Republic. Following about two years of evaluation, the nomination was approved, and the first Republic Senator for mankind was elected to vote at the Assembly. Human space has expanded inward to the boundary of other alien races, but still expands outward into uncharted systems. Mining and terraforming outposts have been established in seven other star systems in preparation of the establishment of future colonies.

29 May 2138
An ancient alien structure was found on a barren moon in the B-1 system by a group fugitives that escaped from a prison mining colony. One of the fugitives, Arcturus Astrum, inadvertently activated a beacon in the structure that alerted an ancient, powerful and very evil entity to the presence of sentient life in Known Space. For over 65 million years, Velkinor had searched-out and destroyed all sentient life in the galaxy. With the activation of the beacon, Velkinor turned his attention to Humanity and ultimately Earth, where he enslaved the minds of high ranking officials and unleashed a plague to create confusion and disorder before sending an army of Sol'k warriors to conquer Earth.

28 December 2138
After several months of digging through the secrets of the past, members of the newly formed Order of Solani discovered a hidden colony of Sol'k free from Velkinor's rule (called Keepers). With new insight provided by the Keepers, including the location of Velkinor's homeworld, a special task force brought the fight to Velkinor. Aided by Republic troopers and an elite group of Turuk psionic warriors, the Solani succeeded in breaking Velkinor's control of the enslaved Sol'k and turning Velkinor's mindset away from fear and the ambition to destroy. Although many millions died on Earth as a result of Velkinor's campaign of xenocide, after his surrender, humankind was again left to rebuild.

Humanity's faith and acceptance of the Primacorps (commercial corporate government) failed as a result of the ineffectiveness of the government to protect the people during the crisis, the Board's actions when controlled by Velkinor and the formation of the rebel movement by the colony systems. Those who had held the highest power or had the greatest wealth stood the most to loose and made every effort to maintain the old government, but majority of the population revolted.

Dedicated the efforts to assist Humanity, the Republic sent relief aide in the form of A) a true anti-virus to combat the spread of the AC-7 outbreak, B) naval ships to support the weakened Earth navy, C) political advisers to assist in reestablishing social order.

Civil Reformation Period: 2139

Following the destruction wrought by Velkinor on the stability of Humanity's civilization, the prior commercial corporate government, The Primacorps, collapsed rapidly into anarchy. By the end of 2138, a state of martial law, enforced by the remnants of the Navy and the Contagion Squad forces, was the only form of civil/social control on Earth. Unfortunately, their limited numbers could not control the full populace of Earth. As the Primacorps control failed, civil services suffered the first major blow. Families began to hide in fear in their homes, leading to never-before-seen absenteeism from jobs vital to the functioning of society. The largest cities were especially hit hard. The majority of the population was consumed by fear, which led to wide-spread looting, killings and mass-exodus from the cities.

As social order collapse, so did the global economy and business infrastructures. Many areas of Earth were plunged into isolation, lacking electricity, communications and fuel for transportation. The majority of those living in the northern hemisphere were faced with the cold of winter without the means to heat homes and a rapidly dwindling supply of food. Famine and normal illnesses became a plague.

Although extensive efforts were made by Republic relief aid in conjunction with the remaining leadership of Humanity and the military, by April 2139, an estimated 2.3 billion citizens of Earth had died from starvation, illness and violent conflicts over dwindling resources. The collapse of the Primacorps also had a negative effect on the other colonies in Sol and the other human star systems, but the degree of unrest was much less then on Earth since they had held a certain amount of autonomy prior to the arrival of Velkinor. For this reason, the outer colonies were able to establish order much more quickly and succeeded in transporting their excess foods to support Earth.

By June 2139, the population of Earth reached a new equilibrium; estimated deaths of 400 million over the last two months. Support networks established by the Republic and Earth military were able to provide the food, medicine and security needed in the largest populated groups. The smaller outlying groups had reached a self-sufficient level of survivability.

During the months of January through June 2139, the leadership of Humanity went through a major transition. Many of the prior leaders of the Primacorps retreated into isolation and obscurity. However, many new leaders, previous celebrities, such as Ruedi "Hedge" Marzell, as well as members of the colonial rebellion, such as William Chen, stepped up to the responsibility of helping Earth to recover and rebuild. A large part of the rebuilding was numerous, ongoing debates on the formation of a new government.

On June 2, 2139, a conference of leaders representing the 147 in situ local governments of Humanity met to sign the agreed upon "Provisional Federation Treaty". Each local provisional government was granted a period of one year to establish a stable government, ensuring human rights, a local military, new economy, etc. Each of these new governments would have local authority but would have a representative in a newly formed federation of governments. This federal body will become the authority for all of Humanity and negotiations with the Republic. As part of this treaty, free trade and non-combat pacts were agreed upon.

Corporate Empire: 2140

At the end of the term of the "Provisional Federation Treaty", few of the temporary governments were successful in meeting the goals of the reformation and political infighting was creating vast rifts in the leadership. This situation provided an opportunity for a bold power-play that ultimately led to the formation of the United Coalitions Imperium late in 2140.


Marburi.png Government Type Clan/Tribal Optimum Conditions {{{environment}}}
Trial / Punishment clan elder / exile Native Terrain {{{terrain}}}
Tech Level 9 Avg. Height / Weight {{{height weight}}}
Control Rating very free (2) General Behavior Cautious
Legal Class restricted (2) Diet {{{diet}}}
Homeworld Jipra Shodu Appearance {{{appearance}}}
Occupied Systems {{{star systems}}}

The Marburi (mar-būrē) are a very mellow, timid, reclusive species. Most are very content with their simple lifestyles. Only a rare few suffer from a "wanderlust" that drives them to invent and explore beyond their homeworld, Jipra Shodu.

Coming from a sunny, arid world, they have a dry, scaly skin with complexions that blend with the colors common to the terrain (rocks, soil, etc.) which range from tan to light brown to rusty reds. Although they are the most advanced life form on their world, they are by no means the most dangerous. Many large and aggressive predators roam their world, so the Marburi have adapted to be very alert, cautious, sneaky people in order to survive.

The atmosphere of their world is nearly devoid of free-oxygen gas, but has overabundant sulfur, so all the life forms on their world are carbon-sulfur-based. This means that the Marburi do not breathe like other species, however foods and medicines that are not also sulfur-based are toxic.

Racial Template

The Marburi share a bipedal form very similar in size and design to that of Humans, however, having evolved on a particularly hostile world, they acquired natural adaptations that are especially well suited for stealth and survival. Marburi have a scaly skill that has a camouflaging ability similar to that of a Chameleon that effectively conceals them from both visual observation, however, only the most experience have a conscious control of the otherwise instinctual ability. Although they do not breathe as other species do, getting the sulfur they need from ingestion, they still have a normal sense of smell from receptors in their skin. Their eyes have a degree of independent movement, which grants them a better field of vision and an ability to track multiple threats.

Racial Traits: Acute Hearing 3; Careful (quirk); Chameleon 3 (Emergencies Only, Unconscious Only, Uncontrollable); Cold-Blooded (below 65°); Doesn't Breathe; Enhanced Tracking 1; Incurious (15); Peripheral Vision; Restricted Diet (sulfur-based, occasional); Unusual Biochemistry (sulfur-based)... costing 4 CP

Racial Physiology & Characteristics

&#149; Average Height: 5'-6"
&#149; Average Weight: 140 lbs
&#149; Skin type and color: Dry, scaly skin; color varies from tan to light brown to rusty reds
&#149; Hair type and color: No hair.
&#149; Other distinctive appearances: No nose. Bony ridge along back of head.
&#149; Type of hands/feet: Human-like.
&#149; Body build: Bisymmetrical, erect standing, two-legs, two-arms.
&#149; Natural environment: Sunny, arid, savanna.
&#149; Optimum environmental conditions: 0.8 G, 1 ATM (78% N2, 21% SO2), 55°F to 110°F
&#149; Diet: Plants (only from sulfur-based life forms)
&#149; Are they more gregarious or solitary in nature? Gregarious
&#149; Large cities, small villages, or family groups? Family groups
&#149; How do they react in an emergency? Hide
&#149; Are they more curious or are they complacent? Complacent


Mihtrag.jpg Government Type Militaristic Clan/Tribal Optimum Conditions 1 G, 1 ATM (78% N2, 21% O2), 35°F to 90°F
Trial / Punishment Trial by combat: offender vs defender battle to the death. Native Terrain {{{terrain}}}
Tech Level 10 Avg. Height / Weight {{{height weight}}}
Control Rating Very Free (1) General Behavior Reactive
Legal Class {{{LC}}} Diet {{{diet}}}
Homeworld Lol'Tal'Chon-5 Appearance {{{appearance}}}
Occupied Systems {{{star systems}}}

The Mihtrag (mī-trag) are a militaristic society with a long tradition of selling their honorable services as "guns-for-hire" to other species during times of conflict. Since having joined the Republic on 2153:184RD, Mihtrag soldiers have expanded their services to include private security firms in addition to comprising nearly 80% of the Republic Navy trooper forces.

Having shared borders with the Oncama for millennia, the Mihtrag have had to endure countless conflicts in the Oncama's crusade of conquest. However, for the Mihtrag, these invasions have become a time of celebration and an opportunity for young warriors to prove their skills and "wet their maxillae on Oncama blood".

Racial Physiology & Characteristics

Mihtrag are a semi-aquatic, crustacean species noted for their hard, armor-like exoskeletons, four fighting-arms and eight walking-legs.

Communication is by clicking sounds created by mandibles clacking together in specific patterns, making this a very difficult language to learn for other species, both to recognize the distinction in clicks as well as to mimic the sounds. Also, it is very difficult for Mihtrag to create sounds typical for other species languages.


Racial Traits: Amphibious; Appearance (Monstrous, -4 reaction); Bad Temper (12); Damage Resistance 5 (hardened 1); Doesn't Breath (gills); Extra Arms 2 (short, weak: 50% ST); Extra Legs (8 legs total, cannot kick); Increased Basic Move 2; Infravision (only); Low Empathy; Serious (quirk); Weakness (ultrasonic sound, 1d per 30 min, side effect: HT-1 severe pain )... costing 12 CP.


Ntel.png Government Type Oligarchy of Science Technocracy
The individual who holds the highest awarded level of education within their field of science is entitled to rule as a Director. The Directors of all the scientific fields serve on the Council of Science, which is charged with the governing of the species.
Optimum Conditions 0.6 G, 1 ATM (78% N2, 21% O2), 45°F to 100°F
Trial / Punishment Tribunal of peers, punishable by public humiliation or imprisonment. Native Terrain {{{terrain}}}
Tech Level 12 Avg. Height / Weight {{{height weight}}}
Control Rating Controlled (4) General Behavior Secretive / Paranoid
Legal Class {{{LC}}} Diet {{{diet}}}
Homeworld Konotha Appearance {{{appearance}}}
Occupied Systems {{{star systems}}}

Prior to the official formation of the Republic, the N’Tel (nah-tel), formally referred to as the Tech-Guild Confederacy, were members of the alliance. However, after repeated violations of the Codes of Law, they were exiled. A cruel and aggressive species, they are known to have repeatedly entered protected systems and abducted "primitive species" for the purpose of conducting scientific research and development. During the 1900’s on Earth, Humanity was one of the species to receive such treatment by the N’Tel.

File:Ntel capital.jpg
N'Tel capital city of Gi-Tu-Furo on the homeworld of Konotha

The posses a technology level more advanced than any of the other know species, especially in regards to their bio-medical technologies. They are a society devoted to the sciences and pursuit of technology, and unlike most other species, they hoard their technology. And though very skilled in science and research, the N’Tel also conduct technological piracy, taking by force or stealth any technology unfamiliar to them. Additionally, they do not hesitate to use unethical means of testing and experimenting on other life forms and sentient species. Many fear that such high level technology, if left in the hands of such a vile species, could grow to be a major threat to the Republic.

All their devices are designed to self-destruct if manipulated by non-N’Tel (genetically encoded). Their ships, architecture and tools are all just as plain, gray and “sterile” as the N’Tel.


The N'Tel do not worship divine entities or powers, believing that only the laws of science govern the universe. Science fills a similar role to the N’Tel as most religions do for other species. They have established complex rules and rituals which dictate the methods and obligations of scientific studies and application.

Racial Physiology & Characteristics

N'Tel have a hairless, soft, glossy gray skin that is typically coated in a fine mucus that keeps their skin moist. Very large, dark black, almond shaped eyes are one of their distinctive characteristics, along with a very slender body and delicate looking neck. In spite of their appearance, they are especially agile and surprisingly strong. Their homeworld of Konotha is very Earthlike, though very humid and subject to frequent rain. They are an omnivorous species, known to try just about anything once.

Racial Traits: Acute Vision (2) [4]; High Manual Dexterity 2 [10]; High TL 1 [15]; Nictitating Membrane 1 [1]; Night Vision 5 [5]; Single Minded [5]; Versatile [5], Cowardice (12) [-10]; Curious (12) [-5]; Dislike (Religious Beliefs) [-1]; Fearfulness 2 [-4]; G-Intolerance (0.1G) [-10]; Low Empathy [-20]; Odious Racial Habit (wet blanket) [-10]; Phobia (12:Xenophobia) [-15]; Short Lifespan 1 [-10]; Skinny [-5]

Nihod Chet








Interspecies Relations

Species Republic Tech Government Control Legality Attitude Homeworld
Ahvssek Yes 9 Matriarchal Theocracy controlled open Defensive
Chaluuk No 11 Socialist Dictatorship repressive licensed Aggressive unknown
Entium Yes 9 Matriarchal Diplomatic Representative Democracy moderate licensed Defensive Hewooiluho-5
Gelsh Yes 10 Feudal Aristocracy controlled licensed Cautious, arrogant Kama-Orhilendra-6b
Humanity Yes 9 Provisional Federation total controlled military Diplomatic Sol-3
Marburi No 9 Clan/Tribal very free restricted Cautious
Mihtrag Yes 9 Militaristic Clan/Tribal very free military Reactive Lol'Tal'Chon-5
N'Tel No 12 Oligarchy of Science Technocracy controlled licensed Secretive / Paranoid
Nihod Chet No 10 Anarchy anarchy military Independent
Oncama No 10 Militaristic Dictatorship repressive military Aggressive Hrithket-4
Paqomu Yes 9 Caste Cybercracy moderate open Passive
Slavaaj Yes 11 Commercial/Medical Technocracy controlled open Greedy Goruacii-5
Sol'k No 10 Theocracy controlled open Defensive ?
Turuk Yes 12 Spiritualistic Athenian Democracy moderate open Pacifist Okakebo Win-3
Uhmbolo Yes 10 Meritocracy Representative Democracy moderate licensed Curious/Friendly ?
Xileth No Unk Unknown Unknown Unknown Secretive Unknown

Subjugated Species

Species Controlled By Tech Government Control Legality Attitude Homeworld
Tohru Oncama 9 Subjugated total control open Aggressive

Racial Reaction Chart

This chart provides the standard reaction for encounters between different species. This represents the fact that different species can be more or less tolerant of other species/cultures. Find species in the left column, then read right to find how that species will react the another.

Ahvssek Entium Gelsh Humanity Marburi Mihtrag N'Tel Nihod Chet Oncama Paqomu Slavaaj Sol'k Tohru Turuk Uhmbolo
Ahvssek Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Poor:-1 Very Bad:-3 Bad:-2 Bad:-2 Neutral:+0 Poor:-1 Very Bad:-3 Bad:-2 Good:+1 Neutral:+0
Entium Good:+1 Neutral:+0 Good:+1 Good:+1 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Poor:-1 Bad:-2 Very Bad:-3 Good:+1 Neutral:+0 Poor:-1 Bad:-2 Good:+1 Neutral:+0
Gelsh Good:+1 Good:+1 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Poor:-1 Poor:-1 Very Bad:-3 Bad:-2 Bad:-2 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Bad:-2 Bad:-2 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0
Humanity Neutral:+0 Good:+1 Very Good:+2 Neutral:+0 Poor:-1 Very Bad:-3 Very Bad:-3 Bad:-2 Very Bad:-3 Good:+1 Neutral:+0 Disastrous Bad:-2 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0
Marburi Good:+1 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Bad:-2 Bad:-2 Very Bad:-3 Bad:-2 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Bad:-2 Bad:-2 Neutral:+0 Good:+1
Mihtrag Neutral:+0 Poor:-1 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Poor:-1 Neutral:+0 Bad:-2 Bad:-2 Very Bad:-3 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Bad:-2 Poor:-1 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0
N'Tel Very Bad:-3 Very Bad:-3 Very Bad:-3 Very Bad:-3 Bad:-2 Bad:-2 Poor:-1 Bad:-2 Very Bad:-3 Bad:-2 Bad:-2 Very Bad:-3 Very Bad:-3 Very Bad:-3 Bad:-2
Nihod Chet Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Poor:-1 Good:+1 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Poor:-1 Poor:-1 Bad:-2 Neutral:+0 Good:+1 Bad:-2 Poor:-1 Bad:-2 Neutral:+0
Oncama Poor:-1 Bad:-2 Bad:-2 Very Bad:-3 Bad:-2 Bad:-2 Very Bad:-3 Bad:-2 Neutral:+0 Bad:-2 Very Bad:-3 Bad:-2 Poor:-1 Very Bad:-3 Poor:-1
Paqomu Poor:-1 Good:+1 Neutral:+0 Good:+1 Neutral:+0 Bad:-2 Bad:-2 Bad:-2 Very Bad:-3 Good:+1 Neutral:+0 Very Bad:-3 Bad:-2 Very Good:+2 Good:+1
Slavaaj Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Good:+1 Poor:-1 Poor:-1 Bad:-2 Neutral:+0 Very Bad:-3 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Bad:-2 Bad:-2 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0
Sol'k Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Good:+1 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Good:+1 Neutral:+0 Very Good:+2 Neutral:+0
Tohru Neutral:+0 Poor:-1 Neutral:+0 Bad:-2 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Poor:-1 Neutral:+0 Bad:-2 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Bad:-2 Poor:-1
Turuk Good:+1 Very Good:+2 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Poor:-1 Very Bad:-3 Very Bad:-3 Very Bad:-3 Good:+1 Neutral:+0 Good:+1 Bad:-2 Very Good:+2 Good:+1
Uhmbolo Neutral:+0 Good:+1 Good:+1 Very Good:+2 Good:+1 Neutral:+0 Poor:-1 Neutral:+0 Bad:-2 Very Good:+2 Neutral:+0 Neutral:+0 Very Bad:-3 Good:+1 Very Good:+2

Racial Resources Chart

This chart provides the details of the species resource availablilty within their territories (excess or scarce).

Ahvssek Entium Gelsh Humanity Marburi Mihtrag N'Tel Nihod Chet Oncama Paqomu Slavaaj Sol'k Tohru Turuk Uhmbolo
Crystals/Gems +2 -2 +1 -1 +1 -2
Radioactive -2 +1 -1 +2 +1 -2 -1
Industrial Metals -2 +1 +1 -2 -1 +2
Light Metals -1 -1 +1 -2 +2 +1
Heavy Metals -2 +2 -1 +1 +2 -1
Rare Minerals +2 -1 -1 +2 -2 +1
Hydrocarbons +1 -2 +2 -2 +1 -1
Organics +1 -1 -2 +2 -1 +2

Galactic Politics Chart

This chart indicates the species political stance in regards to other species. Read from left to right to identify the current political stance (A=Alliance, PT=Peace Treaty, NT=Neutrality Treaty, N=Neutral, H=Hostile, W=War).

Ahvssek Entium Gelsh Humanity Marburi Mihtrag N'Tel Nihod Chet Oncama Paqomu Slavaaj Sol'k Tohru Turuk Uhmbolo
Ahvssek - A A A N A H NT H A A N N A A
Entium A - A A PT A H N W A A W N A A
Gelsh A A - A N A H N W A A N N A A
Humanity A A A - N A N N W A A W N A A
Marburi N PT N N - N H H H N PT N N PT N
Mihtrag A A A A N - H H W A A H H A A
N'Tel N N N N N N - N N N N N N N N
Nihod Chet N H H N N N N - H N NT H N N N
Oncama H W H W H W H H - H NT N PT W H
Paqomu A A A A N A H N H - A N N A A
Slavaaj A A A A PT A N NT NT A - N N A A
Sol'k N N N N N N N N N N N - N N N
Tohru N N N N N N N N PT N N N - N N
Turuk A A A A PT A H N W A A W N - A
Uhmbolo A A A A N A N N N A A N N A -

Galactic Economics Charts

This chart provides details of trade relations between the species of Explored-Space. Read left to right to find the species trade relations with other species. (E=Embargo, F=Free-trade, TP=Trade Pact, R=Restricted, B=Black Market). Species with TL10 and above often have most production automated and manufactured by robotics. Following are the trade categories and types of items:

  • Food - consumer food, luxery food, spirits and other exotic drinks.
  • Resources (see chart above) - diamonds, fine gems, gold, silver, platinum, titanium, mercury, steel, iron, aluminum, nickle, oxygen, hydrogen, uranium, plutonium, pertroleum, copper, natural polymers.
  • Housing/Construction
  • Manufactured Goods - consumer good, luxery goods, machine parts, computer components, robotics, pharmasceuticals, polymers, carbon fibers, fiber optics, narcotics.
  • Professional Services - accounting, banking, legal, mechanical, etc.
  • Artistic Works - fine art (painting, sculpture), music, theater.
Ahvssek Entium Gelsh Humanity Marburi Mihtrag N'Tel Nihod Chet Oncama Paqomu Slavaaj Sol'k Tohru Turuk Uhmbolo
Ahvssek - F F F R F E R E F TP E E F F
Entium F - F F R F E E E F TP E E TP F
Gelsh F F - F E F E R E F TP E E F F
Humanity F F F - F F R F E TP TP E R TP F
Marburi F F F F - F R R R F F E R F F
Mihtrag F F F F R - E E E F F R E F F
N'Tel B B B B B B - B B B B B B B B
Nihod Chet F F F F F F F - F F F F F F F
Oncama B B B B B B B B - B B B B B B
Paqomu F F F TP R F E E E - TP R E F F
Slavaaj TP TP TP TP F F B B B TP - R B TP F
Sol'k F F F F F F F F F F F - F F F
Tohru B B B B B B B B B B B B - B B
Turuk F TP F TP E F E E E F TP E E - F
Uhmbolo - F F F F F F F F F F F F F -

Weapon Production Charts

This chart provides details of which species manufacture (M) and/or distribute (D) weapons. The weapons produced for spacecraft share the same classifications as those for personnel weapons. Projectile weapons of TL9 or less will be chemical propellants, while those of TL10 and above will be electrial mass accelerators (requiring energy cells in addition to ammo). Even though differing species may produce the same type of weapon, the specifics of the weapons will often vary:

  • Designed for species physiology, so may not be easily usable by other species
  • Many advanced tech species include genetic recognition needed to use or possible self destruct
  • Damage, RoF, required ST, Shots, Range and Acc may all vary
Ahvssek Entium Gelsh Humanity Marburi Mihtrag N'Tel Nihod Chet Oncama Paqomu Slavaaj Sol'k Tohru Turuk Uhmbolo
Melee Weapons MD MD MD MD M M MD M MD MD M
Projectile Pistol MD MD M MD M MD M
Projectile Assault Rifle MD MD M MD M MD M
Projectile Shotgun MD MD M MD MD
Projectile Sniper Rifle MD MD
Laser Pistol M D M M MD
Laser Assault Rifle M D M M M MD
Stun Pistol M MD D MD M
Pulse Assault Rifle M
Poison Dart Pistol M M MD D
Fragmentation Grenade MD M MD MD
Stun Grenade MD MD MD
Tangler Grenade M
Force Sword/Staff
Missiles M M M M M MD MD
Blaster MD M