Stone Company Saga

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Main: Middenhjem

The following are tales of the exploits of the Gunnar's Stone Company.

Roughing Up Some Thugs

Faereyjar, Lower Warrens
213 Syklus | 23 Waking Blålystid | Opening Crescent

Some thugs in the lower warrens need some roughing up. They have been giving Thane Karleibus Herlesen's tenants some trouble and he can't afford the time to send his own guards to take care of the situation. The newly formed Gunnar's Stone Company decide it best to take the local job before moving on to bigger, more high paying jobs.

The company's captains Guhrdenn Ongersen and UNNAMED JOE gather what information they can and quickly learn that a gang by the name of The Bronze Needles have their headquarters in the old stockades down by the docks. The fishermen and sailors are careful what they say openly, but it isn't too hard to get them to share what they know.

The gang members wear bronze colored vests, they cook and distribute drugs, and beat up anyone who tries to stop them. Their leader is from beyond Middenvest to the East, goes by the name Tonormo. Be careful, he's unpredictable. Their equipment can't be that good considering they're mostly former gutter-rats and beggars. They have threatened to burn down the homes of those that don't pay them for protection, claiming they brew alchemist's fire.

The Gunnar's Stone Company straps on their armor, sharpens their axes, and proceeds down to the old stockades. The scouts, Bjorninion and Ragugm, quickly take point. As they approach The Bronze Needles headquarters, they quickly ascertain that there are about 9 or so gang members in the vicinity.

One of the gang members looks up from a workbench where he is obviously cooking some sort of herbal drug and shouts out to his fellow gangers that they've got company. Various workbenches can be seen in the large building. You can't tell yet, but if one of the workbenches has alchemist's fire on it, the company is going to want to neutralize it quickly.

UNNAMED JOE looks to Guhrdenn trying to determine if they should strike now or give the gangers one chance to surrender.

"I say we bash some skulls and give 'em a reason to surrender," Arnarnar rasps.