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Back to Middenhjem


The planet is tidally locked to a binary star system (Blålys & Rødlys). Only a small band around the equator is habitable. When in the sky, Blålys casts a blue light upon all of Midden. When in the sky, Rødlys casts a red light upon all of Middenhjem. Hjem has one moon, Skygge (shadow).


Land of Light & Fire, to the south.


Land of Darkness & Ice to the north.


Middle Home. Inhabited by the Mennesker and many other races and beasts.

Middenhjem is roughly split into two kingdoms: Middenøst and Middenvest. Many villages, towns, and cities dot the landscape and are under feudal rule of the Jarls and ultimately a King.


Looking over the Lysogild during Kveldtid with Skygge over Rødlys, Blålys below.

Only Middenhjem has seasons. Since Hjem is tidally locked in its orbit with the binary stars, Blålys & Rødlys, it suffers long periods of light and long periods of darkness. Those that live in the Midden record the passage of time by the alignment of Blålys & Rødlys with the moon, Skygge.

Measures of Time

  • Syklus = 25 Tid & 146 Uke (at which they align on opposite horizons, ~6 years).
    • Skygge is in the shadow of Hjem and can only be seen atop the highest peaks in Midden.
  • Tid = A full cycle of the binary suns. (~80 days)
    • Blålystid = Time of Blue Light. Blålys is high in the horizon (~32 days).
    • Kveldtid = Blålys & Rødlys are both near the horizon, covering Midden in deep violet shadows (~8 days). Occurs twice between both Blålystid & Rødlystid.
    • Rødlystid = Time of Red Light. Rødlys is high in the horizon (~32 days).
  • Uke = The cycle of the moon, Skygge (~14 days).
    • Voskuke = New to Full
    • Avtuke = Full to New
  • Deluke (“Del” for short) = ⅛ of a Uke. (~1.7 days, ~41 hours)
    • The time in between New to Quarter to Half to Three-Quarters to Full, etc.

The most ancient Mennesker have lived for 15 or more Syklus.

Time Keeping

Mennesker chronicle time by listing the Tid with accompanying phase of light, the Syklus, and phase of moon (1 Deluke). The campaign starts on: 23rd Waking Blålystid of the 213th Syklus, Opening Crescent.