Middenhjem Character Creation

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Mass Combat: Mercs (not complete)

Mercenary Captains

  • You are starting a new venture as a Mercenary Captain and are capable of leading a mercenary troop (200 CP).
    • Mass Combat Mercs skills include: Leadership, Tactics, Intelligence Analysis, and Administration.
    • Other skills include anything to do with: leadership, training, tactics, warfare, finding and keeping hirelings, administration, etc.
    • You have no duty to anyone. You are your "own boss".
    • You can take whatever wealth level you want, but you do not have a job (your job is Mercenary Captain and you earn your money in game). Your wealth level will only determine your starting wealth. If you want free income, take Patron or Independent Income.
  • Minimal “bad guy” disadvantages, mental disorders, character flaws... favoring more ethics/morals ones, but doesn’t mean you have to be shiney do-gooders. Maybe for each character flaw, you have a somewhat balancing character strength, for example you might be greedy but also have a soft-heart in regards to the downtrodden, being charitable to the homeless.
  • Max of 80 points in disadvantages. Don't take them if you don't have to.

Game world basics...

Pretty much the same as Kaliteth (thanks Garth).

Non-Human Races

All PCs are human.


You may purchase allies, however they will be treated as mercenaries with faultless Loyalty. They still must be paid (perhaps there is a discount, undecided?) and their equipment maintained. Below are the base CP cost for ally troops at Fairly Often (9-) frequency of appearance.

Frequency of Appearance modifies Pay/Maintenance Cost as follows: 6- (x0.25), 9-(x0.5), 12-(x0.75), 15-(x0.9), All the Time (x1).

Troop Inferior Training Average Training Good Training Elite Training
Militia 1 1 2 2
Infantry 1 1 2 2
Archer 1 1 2 3
Heavy Infantry 1 1 2 3
Scout 1 1 2 3
Pikeman 1 2 3 3
Scout Rider 2 3 4 4
Horse Archer 2 3 4 4
Cavalry 2 3 4 4
Heavy Cavalry 3 4 4 5

For simplicity, we will not use Ally Groups.

Example Allies

Rigar [8] (Scout, Good Training 2; Always Appears x4)
Pay ₡288; Maintain Average Equipment ₡105

Thoruvar [12] (Archer, Elite Training 3; Always Appears x4)
Pay ₡384; Maintain Good Equipment ₡105
Upgrade to Good Equipment (one time buy of ₡175)

Valkyrie Ajna [3] (Heavy Cavalry, Elite Training 5; Seldom Appearance 6- x0.5)
Pay ₡240; Maintain Very Fine Equipment ₡750.
Upgrade to Very Fine Equipment (one time buy of ₡3,000).