Xuln Magic System

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Using Advantages to create whatever magic effect is desired has proven to be the favorite way to "do magic" in our campaigns.

Steps to Creating a Magical Power

  1. Imagine, or recreate, the concept for an ability, spell or magical effect ("Power")
  2. Identify which Advantage most closely matches the power
  3. Add Enhancements & Limitations [B104, P107] to modify the base Advantage
  4. Get approval from GM

Source of Power

Most powers have a source which can be effected in game positively or negatively. For example, if your power if magical in nature, it can be dispelled. On the other hand, a magical power may be amplified if in a powerful magic zone.

Power Modifiers [P25]

  • Chi, -10% [P26] - emanates from own life force, meditate daily, requires 10-point disadvantage
  • Divine, -10% [P26] - diety grants power, certain behavior is expected in return, requires 10-point disadvantage
  • Magic, -10% [P27] - channels mana, varying level of mana zones, anti-magic powers can thwart powers
  • Nature, -20% [P28] - channels vital energy of living things, civilization interferes
  • Spirit, -25% [P28] - commanding fickle spirits, requires 5-point disadvantage
  • ...and others

Ritual, Cost, and Signature

All magical abilities should consider 1) Ritual Required, 2) FP Cost, and 3) Magical Signature.

Ritual Requirements / Nuisance Effects [B112]

  • No ritual required, -0% (caster simply wishes the spell to take effect)
  • -4 Stealth, -5%; or No Stealth, -10% (caster must speak quite words or words of power)
  • One Hand Free, -5%; or Two Hands Free, -10%; or Two Hands Free & Standing Freely, -15% (caster must gesture with hand(s) and possibly feet)
    • Requires Wand, -5% (caster requires wand in addition to gesture)

Costs Fatigue [B111]

We have a (soft) rule that magic costs FP to cast.

  • 1 FP per casting, -5% per 1 FP
  • One level of casting cost per every 10 points of the modified cost of the advantage (rounded).
    • A very low point ability (4 or less) could have no casting cost.

Magical Signature [B106]

  • Normal Signature, +0% (all magical effects are obviously magical and easily observed)
  • Low Signature, +10% (no more easily identifiable than a champagne cork popping)
  • No Signature, +20% (almost completely unnoticeable as in a blowgun dart; or undetectable by normal means but leaves a magical trace)

Other Common Enhancement & Limitations



Accessibility [B110]

  • Environmental Accessibility - can only be cast in certain environments
    • Very Common, -5% (in the presence of air, on a planet, in a gravity field)
    • Common, -10% - (in contact with dust, in the presence of microbes)
    • Occasional, -20% - (in a city, in the wilderness, outdoors, touching the ground)
    • Rare, -40% - (in a storm, dense vegetation, desert, underground)
    • Very Rare, -80% - (in lava, quicksand, vacuum)

Unconscious Only [B115] is a good limitation for a character that has a power as a "wild talent".

Uncontrollable and Unreliable [B116] are good limitations when a character is still a novice with their power.