Religions of Kaliteth

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Main: Kaliteth

Within the world of Edæroth, there are several religions which are practiced by the people.

The Five Divines

The oldest known religion of humanity, often referred to as the Faith of the Five, is a polytheistic theology comprising the beliefs, rituals, and mythologies associated with the Five Divines, or "Kryu" [krīū]. Currently, Faith of the Five is the dominate religion of Kaliteth and promoted by all but a couple of the Lord Overseers. The priests\priestesses of this religion are held in high regard by most in Kaliteth.

Ayei [ā-yī] goddess intellect, premonition and magic
En'Jir [en-jēr] god crafts and construction
Komdör [kom-dōr] god strength, judgement and warfare
Mædok [mə-dok] goddess health, healing and birth
Syatis [sī-a-tis] god creativity and knowledge

Belief and worship of the Five Divines was nearly lost during the era of the Ödika Empire when Ödithrax commanded that the people only worship him, as the only true god of humanity. Despite the threat of inquisitions and execution for heresy, faith in the "old gods" was kept by a few devote followers who practiced in secrecy. Also, among the lowest castes, there remained a folklore of the Five Divines passed by oral tradition from generation to generation. Following the Fall of the Empire and the death of an alleged god, many of the people were suddenly left without any religion. In this void, those devoted followers of the Five Divines, who kept the faith, were now freed to bring the faith of the "old gods" to the people.

The primary precepts of the religion is worship of the Five Divines, the gods claimed to be the creators and guardians of humanity. Although there are some followers who praise, or favor, one of the five more than the others, the commonly shared belief is that the Five Divines are amicable and cooperative with each other, so they should be worshiped equally, as equals.

Heathen Religions

Any religious practice or belief besides that of the Five Divines is generally considered to be a "heathen religion", practiced by primitives, barbarians, monsters, sub-races and those possessed by evil.


There are still a few humans in Kaliteth who worship Ödithrax and follow the teachings of the Parables of Somödin. They believe that Ödithrax was not in fact killed (destroyed), but was merely banished from Kaliteth, and that one day Ödithrax will return.

Om'Buccar & Jedok

Having lived outside the control of Ödithrax, the people of Om'Buccar and Jedok were free to practice their own religious beliefs for many thousands of years. In recent decades, as those from Kaliteth have begun to learn more of these people, they've discovered intriguing similarities with their religions to that of the Five Divines. Despite all the differences between the people of Kaliteth, Om'Buccar and Jedok, this suggests that in the ancient past they may have all shared a common heritage and religion.

Jedok theology is monotheistic, with their beliefs, rituals and mythologies associated with a single god, Köminder [kō-min-der], who is the patron of the Jedok people, providing guidance, protection and judgement.

The Om'Buccar theology is polytheistic, sharing what seems to be the Divine Five (Ehya [ā-ya], Jinnar [jin-nar], Kha Mondur [ka mon-dur], Myadek [mya-dek], Cintas [sin-tas]) along with seven other lesser gods (Bethlas [be-thlos], Dag-Hübud [dag hū-bud], Imün [i-mūn], Iredö [i-re-dō], Niwon [ni-won], Öthin [ō-thin], Vömü [vō-mū]). They are an especially devout culture who have been faithful to this belief for thousands of years.


Dwarves seldom venture beyond their dungeon homes in the mountains and those who do are often tight-lipped in regards to discussing dwarven culture, however some small amount has been learned piece-by-piece over the years from the tales told by dwarves who have gone too far into their drink.

Dwarf theology is monotheistic, with their beliefs and mythologies surrounding a single, supreme god, Garmthäl, who is believed to be the "true" creator of the dwarves (not Ödithrax) and the world of Edæroth. Garmthäl if believed to be a titan, living in the core of the world, who's body is comprised of "Töhra" [tō-hra] (the primal substance of all the known elements of existence). The dwarven race was born when Garmthäl pull the core Töhra from his own chest and crafted the first dwarves in his own likeness, just in the same manner that dwarves reproduce by budding.


Very little is know of the elves and nothing at all is known of their religious beliefs.


Similar to the dwarves and elves, very little is known about orc culture, including their religions, but interactions and study of the orcs over thousands of years has provided bits-and-pieces which begin to provide some detail.

Orc theology is polytheistic, with a religion encompassing a collection of beliefs, rituals, and mythologies associated with a pantheon of thirteen immortal, titan-sized, orcish gods and goddesses: Rahm'Dek, Brith'lru, Keg'Arôr, Môrg'agh, Bakh'Idhesh, Sra'krerca, Krerda, Mud'eshad, Ib'migdu, Ghoftheg, Krâ'bozrauhd, Cehig, Balik. Their religious beliefs and practices have remained very little changed since the time of their most ancient history.