Middenhjem Gameplay

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Mercenaries are available for recruiting in various locales throughout Middenhelm. When a captain wishes to hire mercenaries they must search through a town for hirelings. Potential recruits will expect a certain amount of pay based on their training and equipment owned.

Finding Hirelings (B517)

IQ Roll (modified by city size) once per half-uke (~7 days) to find a hireling. May substitute the following skills:

  • Administration: for formal corporate-style hiring
  • Current Affairs: if seeking prominent “world experts”
  • Propaganda: aggressive recruiting
  • Streetwise: seeking criminals

Example Mennesker Mercenaries

Cost includes pay and equipment maintenance costs.

  • Dagast (Scout) Inferior Training with Poor Equipment (10 HT/HP) - ₡317
  • Simesus (Infantry) Inferior Training with Basic Equipment (11 HT/HP) - ₡358
  • Ellik (Cavalry) Good Training with Good Equipment (11 HT/HP) - ₡1950
  • Asaer (Scout Rider) Good Training with Basic Equipment (12 HT/HP) - ₡1350
  • Albliev (Infantry) Inferior Training with Poor Equipment (11 HT/HP) - ₡333

Other Hirelings

Mercenary Captains may want to hire other non-combat personnel, such as:

  • Surgeon
  • Trainer
  • Administrator
  • Entertainer
  • Engineer
  • Armorer
  • ...or whatever they deem necessary.

Finding a Job (B518)

Kings, Jarls, and Thanes often have jobs for Mercenary Troops.

Mercenary Captains seeking a job may roll against IQ once per half-uke (~7 days) to if he finds work for his troop. Modifiers include:

  • City Size (Thorp -3; Hamlet -2; Village -1; Town +0; City +1; Borough +2; Metropolis +3)
  • Over-qualification: +1 to +5.
  • Advertising: ₡25 +1; ₡250 +2; ₡2500 +3
  • Scarcity: Higher paying jobs are harder to find.
  • Multiple Jobs: Cumulative -1 when looking for more than one job at a time.

If trying to find a job quickly, apply the following modifiers.

  • 4 Delukes = +0
  • 2 Delukes = -1
  • 1 Deluke = -2
  • 1/2 Deluke = -3 (For example, if you want to search for two jobs in one deluke).
  • 1/4 Deluke = -4 (For example, if you want to search for four jobs in one deluke).

Job Boards

On the other hand, sometimes jobs are posted in various locales in a settlement (town square, gates, etc.).


When moving, troops count as a Mobile Force and do not gain any Defense Bonus (DB).

Modifiers to Movement

  1. Troops travel as fast as their slowest unit.
    1. Escorting Civilians: Typically, the movement rate of a civilian is 25 rôst
  2. Calculate Hjem Modifiers (Terrain, Weather, Time of Day)
    1. Terrain: See Table
      1. Bad Weather: Treat as never better than "Bad Terrain".
      2. Night: At night when not on a road (1/2 move)
  3. Modifiers (calculate after terrain and weather)
    1. Security
      1. No Security: +100% move, -5 to Recon Contest
      2. Security w/ Recon Troops in Company: +0% move
      3. Security w/ no Recon Troops in Company: -50% move
    2. Forced March: Make Admin+3 Roll to move +50%. -1 to the Admin Roll per consecutive Deluke.
Movement Rates by Troop Type Good Terrain (x1.2) Average Terrain (x1) Bad Terrain (x.5) Very Bad Terrain (x.2) notes
Light Infantry (Scout, Militia, Archer) 62 rôst 50 rôst 25 rôst 10 rôst May ride mount and move as Light Cavalry.
Medium Infantry (Infantry) 50 rôst 40 rôst 20 rôst 8 rôst May ride mount and move as Medium Cavalry.
Heavy Infantry (Heavy Infantry, Pikemen) 37 rôst 30 rôst 15 rôst 6 rôst May ride mount and move as Heavy Cavalry.
Light Cavalry (Scout Rider, Horse Archer) 87 rôst 70 rôst 35 rôst 14 rôst -
Medium Cavalry (Cavalry) 75 rôst 60 rôst 30 rôst 12 rôst -
Heavy Cavalry (Heavy Cavalry) 62 rôst 50 rôst 25 rôst 10 rôst -


  • Wagon: 1 driver, 0.5 tons (+5 people), ₡680
  • Draft Horse: required to pull wagon, ₡2000
  • Pack Mule: carries gear, ₡1000
Movement Rates by Vehicles Good Terrain Average Terrain Bad Terrain Very Bad Terrain Notes
Wagon, 2 Draft Horses 30 rôst 24 rôst 12 rôst 5 rôst Available for Hire in most settlements for ₡55 per deluke.
Wagon, 1 Draft Horse 15 rôst 12 rôst 6 rôst 2 rôst Available for Hire in most settlements for ₡40 per deluke.
Pack Mule 44 rôst 30 rôst 15 rôst 6 rôst -


Loyalty is rolled in various situations. Typically situations include:

  • When dealt a major wound, is reeling, is on the verge of collapse.
  • When asked to do something against the merc's nature.

If a merc fails their loyalty check, they will act in their own best interest.

  • During Battle: Typically, they will move back in the ranks by taking less Risk.
    • The commander may Rally (-2 to strategy roll) these troops with a Quick Contest of Leadership vs. Loyalty at the end of any turn.

Mass Combat: Mercs

Reconnaissance Operations (MC28)

Knowing where the enemy is and what he's doing can be half the battle!

When two opposing forces have moved into each other's general vicinity but are still uncertain of their foe's exact location, it's time for a Reconnaissance Contest, a Quick Contest of the Average of Intelligence Analysis & Commander's Tactics (rounded down), plus relevant superiority bonuses.

Mobile Force Modifiers

  • Forced March: -1; -2 if roll failed.
  • No Security: -5
  • No Recon Units in Troop: -1
  • All Troops are Recon Units: +2
  • Relations w/ Locals: +1 to -1
  • Roads: -1 if using road movement, -3 if tied to a fixed road
  • Speed: +1 if both forces are moving and you are at least 1.5x as fast as the enemy.

Terrain: +1 if any of your elements have the Terrain feature for the terrain being traversed (+4 if all do).

Encamped Force Modifiers

  • Bunkered: +3, but if you win, treat your victory as a tie.
  • No Security: -5
  • Relations w/ Locals: +2 to -2

Class Superiority

  • Recon Superiority: +Bonus
  • Air Superiority: +Bonus

Recon Results

If the winner's margin of victory equals or exceeds the Terrain Rating, he achieves surprise. If he wins by 5 or more of that, he gets an ambush. Otherwise, he merely has initiative.

  • Winning Initiative (Margin of Victory is less than Terrain Rating): Winner gains a rough estimate (within +/-25%) of opposing forces and their general composition. Winning commander may choose to fight a pitched battle or a hasty encounter battle.
  • Achieving Surprise (Margin of Victory is equal or more than Terrain Rating): If winner chooses an encounter battle the opposing force will be confused on its first round.
  • Achieving an Ambush (Margin of Victory is 5+): Winner may choose an encounter or pitched battle and the enemy is still confused.

Roll 1d. A roll less than or equal to the Terrain Rating means a pitched battle. Anything else means an encounter battle.

Initial Intelligence

Encounter Battle
If not confused the commander knows the approximate number of troops of each mobility class (within +/-20%). For example, "about 15 men on foot and 4 mounted".

Pitched Battle
The name and number of the enemy and such details are obvious at first glance. Heroes aren't identified unless they have a Reputation that would ensure recognition.

Fight the Battle

Mass Combat: Mercs Flowchat (may not be correct, needs updating)
  1. Choose Merc Risk Modifers: Increase relative TS of specific mercs in exchange for putting the merc at risk for receiving greater damage. The sum of all mercs' Risk Mod must equal zero. This includes any NPCs that are with the company.
  2. Target Enemies: For every targeted enemy, you pay less attention to 2 enemies.
  3. Choose Battle Strategy
  4. Calculate Tactics Modifiers
  5. Roll Tactics Contest
  6. Carry Out Results
  7. Roll Misfortunes

Darkness & Visibility

Light Level

Based on either the time of day or availability of a light source, to determine the current light level (most beneficial).

Situation Modifier
High Lystid
Falling or Rising Lystid with Full Skygge
Magical Light
Falling or Rising Lystid -1
Sleeping or Waking Lystid with Full Skygge -3
Sleeping / Waking Lystid -4
Kveldtid with Full Skygge -5
Kveldtid (Middenhjem never gets darker) -6
Lantern/Torch -3
Total Darkness* -10

*Total Darkness: underground, magical darkness or windowless interiors with no lighting.

The position of Middenhjem's suns modifies various races TS as follows.

TS Modifiers Kveldtid Waking Blålystid Rising Blålystid High Blålystid Falling Blålystid Sleeping Blålystid Kveldtid Waking Rødlystid Rising Rødlystid High Rødlystid Falling Rødlystid Sleeping Rødlystid Kveldtid Dark/Night/Underground
Mennesker 2/3 5/6 - - - 5/6 2/3 5/6 - - - 5/6 2/3 1/2
Skyggemen - - 5/6 2/3 5/6 - - - 5/6 2/3 5/6 - - 5/6
Blålystid Trolls 5/6 2/3 1/2 1/3 1/2 2/3 5/6 - - - - - - -
Rødlystid Trolls - - - - - - 5/6 2/3 1/2 1/3 1/2 2/3 5/6 -


Determine the most severe weather penalty and apply to the light level.

Situation modifier
Drizzle or Light Rain/Snow -1
Heavy Cloud Cover -2
Heavy Rain/Snow -3
Fog, Smoke, Dust Storm (by density) -1 to -9

Healing Mercs


  • A player with First-Aid may roll to bandage any wounded character to stop bleeding. Bandaging takes 1 minute and heals 1 HP.
  • If the medic spends 30 minutes more elaborately dressing the wounds, he may roll his First-Aid to heal 1d-3 (min 1), this includes the above bandaging. A critical success automatically heals 3. A critical failure deals 2 HP of damage.


  • If a mercenary receives a major wound, is reeling (1/4 HP), or at negative HP; they are considered bleeding (B420).
  • Mercs must make a HT roll every minute or lose 1 HP. On a critical failure, lose 3 HP. On a critical success, the bleeding stops.

At -1xHP or below, you are in bad shape and in danger of dying. After 12 hours of unconsciousness, make a HT roll. If you succeed you regain consciousness and heal naturally. If you fail, you won't regain consciousness without medical treatment. Until you receive help you must roll vs. HT every 12 hours; if you fail, you die. Surgery with TL3 equipment is at -4.

Stabilizing a mortal wound

  • Each attempt takes 1 hour.
  • -2 to Surgery if -3xHP; -4 at -4xHP.
  • Repeated cumulative -2 attempts can be made.
  • After surgery, check for infection (B444).

Repairing Lasting Crippling Injuries

  • Takes 2 hours.
  • On success the recovery takes weeks, not months.

Long Term Healing

  • Natural Recovery: At the end of each deluke of rest and decent food, make a HT roll.
    • Pass by 0, +1 HP; Pass by 3, +2 HP.
    • Medical Care: Anyone under the care of a physician (Physician skill 12+) gets +1 on all rolls for natural recovery.