Atesri Session Notes

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Main: Havenrick

Chapter II

21 February 2023

  • House of the Vedalken
    • Master Kogon knows of the Spear - "The Black Spear of the Soulless"
    • Chytalla was once a guest to the Tower, but was rebuffed and sent on her with no aid.
    • We show them the 3 magic/cursed stones and the helm. They perform a ritual on them.
      • 3 Stones of Havalla's Falling lost for centuries. The curse upon them would destroy you if you use them. There is a trap upon them. You would be seen by someone in the area as a way to turn the towns against you. They believe they should stay with the Vedalken for now.
    • Where will Chytalla's forces attack?
    • Book of Levialoth - Don't perform any rituals. Don't open it.
    • Told us more of Andrenjyi
  • Teleport to Bachraditown
    • We pick up some gnoll tracks!
      • Small party of gnolls (~12) attempting to obscure their trail. Camped and had a meal (bird) but only for half a day. We follow the trail to Bachraditown.
      • We talk with Guards, and Pali from Atesri Hall. Ricowol from Atesri may be an imposter. We were told he would be at the taverns

31 January 2023

  • The heroes set off for the Vedalken tower with a stop in the village, Gudar Hall, to find the Zygevei, Grandma Talala.
    • At Gudar Hall, 3 people have gone missing. A child from a mother, named Loren. An older woman and widow, Galia. She disappeared 4 days ago. Just a streak of blood. The night after, a merchant man, Horgal. Most of his expensive goods were taken with signs of a struggle. All lived on the northern part of town closer to the roads. Galia cared for the child at one point. Galia wanted to take Loren to places away from the house. She thought he was destined for great things. Maris Saat & Beren Saat visited and stayed in broken down farm.
      • At Galia's house: Boot print is the same as the the boot print outside of the ruins while we rested in the swamp, Hagelic. Hagelic may think that these people know where Beren Saat is. Or Galia gave up the wrong name instead of Beren Saat and Hagelic got revenge.
    • Rumor is Grandma Talala is heading to Bachraditown.
    • There once were ancient cities at the bottom of the lake.
  • We arrive at the Vedalken Tower.

Chapter I

17 January 2023

  • Defeated gnolls attacking Atesri Hall Town
  • Elerasha & Aurakhan Clanbane do not get along.
  • Talked with Lord Atesri & Sule. Discussed how to stop Chytalla, her plans, etc.
    • Elarasha shares that there is a way to travel much faster to other places through shadow. His people can step through Shadow Roads. He will guide us on our first journey.
  • We study Chytalla's papers
    • At the end of the conjunction, if properly ritualized, Chytalla will be able to turn on the Lighthouse and permanently create a portal that opens to an unknown plane of existence - beyond realms of time and space.
    • Yuri "Two Teeth" has a small horde of gnolls. However, it is a cover for him to find 1 of 3 pieces they need for the ritual.
      • Three pieces were scattered by versions of Beren Saat and other individuals, dragons, etc. throughout time.
        • Shalviar Hall / Beresk Hall
        • Lake Selegarkh
        • Warden Rangers may know the location of the last.
    • The top floor of the Lighthouse needs 3 pieces for the ritual to connect it to other locations.
    • Levioloth can pour out into the prime material plane. Some will possess creatures. They require a host.
    • Rorik working on corrupting the Lizardfolk.
  • We are given a house with an honor guard!
    • 4 bedrooms! 8x8
    • Common Room
    • Kitchen

3 January 2023

  • Heroes defeated the tentacled monsters. Banished Kan Atesri imposter.
  • Heroes went off to battle gnolls attacking the village.
  • Letter from Yuri Two-Teeth to Khor.
Khoravakri Ulud,
  We're still friends. Now that I have discovered my true self. My mission. A silly human concept of honor - of battle. The trappings of this civilization that you are so proud of. The values you are proud of. You represent those while I represent the true nature of animalistic values - gorging of flesh.
  Sure, you will defeat my gnolls. In two days time. Find me on the plains in two days time and meet me in time. A challenge for you. You've always liked challenges... etc. Anyway, I'll see you in two days or know you as the coward you are.
  Signed, Yuri (with two claw marks)
  • The heroes begin a battle against gnolls.

6 December 2022

  • Bullywugs conversed with booted party on the shore. Some others clawed. Before returning to the water. Some blood trails and dragging trails of bodies. Two trails of bodies: one trail to the town, the other towards Atestri compound.
  • Lt. Kharano
    • Gnolls attacking the camp. Attacking the Atesri compound.
  • We enter Atesri Hall.

22 November 2022

  • Hagelic notes for Yaratuk experiments on bullywugs et al-
    • Statue of derusalem powers- can persuade bullywugs to act up, guided by demons to amplify power, hagelic making them do bad things
    • Statue can enable demons to take over bullywugs, also their eggs
    • Similar object - the relic - does same on lizardfolk, lizardfolks some willingly accepting corruption to gain power- more warlike faction - others wary
    • Rorik, bad guy, in charge of corruption of lizardfolk. Due to our interference 2/3 lizardfolk not on board w this
    • Statue of derusalem involved in creation or aid of magic circles
    • Hagelic can amplify an effect and hold sway over bullywugs.
      • They are putting a circle and the statue of Goroozolog up. At the Lighthouse? Third floor?

Attacked by Bullywugs when our boat arrived.

  • Suicide troops to attack us for them to gain honor.