Alternate Magic

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Mana Forms

The energies of magic, mana, are not comprised of only a single energy, but a total of eight energies that blend together. Each energy type, or “form”, is most often associated with the elements of nature--air, animal, earth, fire, plant and water--as wells as the energy of dark and light. Some of these energy types are synergistic and mutually aligned, but others are reactive or even destructive of other energy types (in the elemental diagram, each energy is weakened or destroyed by the opposing).

All magical casting, “spells”, are associated with a mana for and each mana form is also associated with a specific color (wavelength of light):

Imbued with Mana
Although druids and priests do not require Power Investiture, sorcerers must have at least Margy 0 in order to cast spells.

  • Maximum level: 1 per every 100 CP of character total CP
  • +1 bonus per level to the effective skill for all spells.
  • -1 FP to casting cost per level. This is in addition to any reduced cost due to the base skill level of the spell.

Unnatural Features
As a caster’s level of Magery, or Power Investiture, increases, they are physically transformed by the raw power of the mana flowing through their bodies.

  1. none
  2. minor change, tint, in eye color, matching mana form color, and minor change in hair color, a streak of color (white or black), unnatural feature 1
  3. minor unnatural skin color (a hint) - metallic for priests, earthy for druids, elemental for mages, unnatural feature 2
  4. major change in eye color (deeper, more vibrant) and change in pupil shape (cat-eye, goat-eye, alligator-slit, tear-drop, n-pointed-star, micro-circle, etc.) and major change in hair color (fully white or black), unnatural feature 3
  5. major unnatural skin color (deeper, more vibrant) and minor complexion (texture/patterning) - priests seem to shine when in light, druids seem rough and textured like bark or stones, mages become slightly scaly, unnatural feature 4
  6. major complexion, unnatural feature 5
  7. (or higher), Supernatural Feature, priest will progressively appear more angelic, sorcerers more demonic.

Main: Kaliteth

Within the world of Halomaed, the energies of magic (mana) are infused within all things. Priests believe that mana was used by the divines to construct the world and all life within it. On the other hand, sorcerers believe magic is just a distinct form of energy of the physical world, to be used as desired.

Casting Spells

Every spell is a learned technique (hard) of the appropriate ritual skill, that defaults to the ritual at -1 per spell level. A spell can only be cast as a 0-point technique if the caster has a scroll or spell book that details the spell, but suffers a -4 penalty to cast (-2 when offset by +2 bonus for scroll or spell book). These spell techniques cannot be bought up to a level higher than ritual skill.

Successfully casting a spell requires a skill roll based on the ritual technique, followed by either an unarmed attack to “touch” the target or an innate attack for a ranged attack to strike the target with the spell. The subject can attempt to block, parry or dodge as normal; a ranged attack that misses could hit an unintended target. Ranged spells that have “low signature” are at -2 to defense and -4 for “no signature”. The effects of the spell only apply if the target of the spell is successfully hit.

Subjects aware and willing to accept the effects of the spell can choose not to defend or resist the effects.

Scrolls & Spellbooks

A caster who has a scroll or spell book in hand which contains the detailed instructions for casting a specific spell gains a +2 bonus to the spell’s effective skill.

Magic Rituals

All spell casting, regardless of type, requires some form of ritual to perform. Druids use Ritual Magic (nature), priests perform Religious Rituals (divine deity), and sorcerers have Ritual Magic (elemental). However, the ritual requirements are not the same for each:

  • Druids: chanting and elaborate gestures are used, along with the use of their sacred totem (personal constructed) for many spells. The gesture portion of the ritual is hindered by encumbrance, -1 per level.
  • Priests: a verbal appeal (prayer) to the divines, but no physical gestures are used. A properly sanctified holy symbol made of silver ($60 minimum) is required for most spells.
  • Sorcerers: do not vocalize, but must draw elaborate magical symbols. Unless the spell description specifies “no signature”, the symbols are formed of glowing magical energy, appropriate to the color of the mana form of the spell. The sorcerer’s effective skill for casting a spell is the lower of the ritual skill or Symbol Drawing; unless the spell skill is high enough (20+) to no longer require any ritual be made. The symbol drawing portion of the ritual is hindered by encumbrance, -1 per level.

Observers, who can hear or see the ritual being performed, can make a Theology or Thaumatology skill check (-1 per spell level) to attempt to identify the spell being cast.

As the caster’s skill level (base) with the specific spell increases, the ritual becomes easier (pg B237).

Casting Time: 1 sec per spell level. Time Spent rules (B 346) can be applied to spell casting to provide a bonus or penalty to casting. Additionally, spells with the Preparation Required limitation can alter the total casting time.

Casting Cost: 1 FP per spell level. If the spell design specifies a FP cost, this is an additional cost that must be paid by the subject of the spell once cast by the caster, typically for enhancements that the subject can choose to maintain as long as they have the energy.

Margin of Success: every time a spell is cast, notate the margin of success, as this may been needed in Quick Contests to resist opposing spells, especially Dispel Magic attempts.

Maintaining Spells

For spells that specify “can be maintained” in the duration of the spell description, the caster can opt to expend additional FP to extend the life of the spell for another interval of the normal duration. The cost to maintain is 1/2 the regular casting cost. Otherwise, maintaining follows the normal rules (pg B238).

Magical Resistance

Works as normal, per rules, reducing the spell’s effective level or providing the subject a bonus to resistance.

Spells Made Permanent / Magical Abilities

Magic users can potentially acquire magical abilities (not spells), either through a divine blessing by the god/spirits, find and possess a relic or artifact that grants ability, or through advanced magical rituals to imbue the ability. There must always be a quest/trial that must be successfully passed first, plus the character must have sufficient CP to purchase the ability. This provides a means to have spell-like powers without the need of techniques or ritual skill rolls.

Magic Spells


These spells are available for druids, priests and sorcerers.

Charm Person [dark / 7 (sor) / 6 (pr) / 5 (dr)]
As per Mind Control (pg B68), once the spell is cast, if the subject of the spell sees the visual effect and fails to resist--Quick Contest of Will--then the subject must obey every command of the caster for the duration of the effect. If the caster becomes incapacitated or commands the subject to do something against his principles, the subject receives another chance to resist the spell. Only humanoid races can be subjects of this spell: dwarf, elf, gnome, goblin, half-orc, human, or orc. Animals, beasts, monsters and undead are automatically immune. For Quick Contests, the caster has a -1 per each other subjects already under control and a -1 per yard distance between caster and subject (beyond 1 yard). Control remains in effect for as long as caster concentrates, plus 10 minute per margin of victory after concentration is dropped. The subject retains no memory of anything that occurred while under control.
Duration: instant
Trigger: holy symbol, totem or a mystic charm (must be made)

Darkness, 12’ Radius [dark / 3]
As per Obscure (pb B72), creating a zone of complete darkness (Vision -10) within a 4-yard radius area. This is a ranged innate attack (Acc 1, Range 20). Those with Dark Vision are immune to this darkness. If cast into an area currently under the effect of Light, 12’ Radius, the overlapping areas counter each other, resulting in partial darkness (Vision -5). Cannot be cancelled once cast.
Duration: 30 seconds, can be maintained

Detect Magic [light / 3]
As per Detect (pg B48), for duration of spell, caster is able to detect the presence of magic, either as enchanted items or magical effects on an object, individual or area. Does not detect individuals solely on having Magery. Each second of concentration can attempt to sense one target. A successful sense (vision) roll reveals the precise location (direction and distance) to the magic source; the area or object glows with an aura of magic. An IQ roll can attempt to analyze the magic source, based on margin of success: 0-1 magic level, 2-3 mana form, 4-5 effective margin level (to dispel), 6+ exact magic effect (spell or ability). No signature.
Duration: 1 minute, can be maintained

Detect Poison [light / 3]
As per Detect (pg B48), for duration of spell, caster is able to detect the presence of poison, either in food or drink, on an object, within an individual, or in an area. Each second of concentration can attempt to sense one target. A successful sense (vision) roll reveals the precise location (direction and distance) to the poison source; the source glows with a dark green aura. An IQ roll can attempt to analyze the magic source, based on margin of success: 0-1 potency (HT -?), 2-3 type (contact, ingestion, respiratory, etc.), 4+ symptoms poison will inflict on victim. No signature.
Duration: 1 minute, can be maintained

Dispel Magic [light / 2]
As per Mana Damper (pg B67), casting this spell attempts to eliminate all magical energy in the area for an instant, neutralizing existing spells. This is a ranged innate attack (Acc 3, Range 10) with a 4-yard area of effect. The caster must succeed at a Will check; spells with level less than or equal to the margin of success are neutralized. Enchanted items and alchemical potions in containers receive a +5 bonus to resist the dispel attempt.
Duration: instant

Hold Person [light / 5 (sor) / 4 (dr,pr)]
The caster targets the subject with an Affliction (Acc 0, Range 20). If the subject fails to resist (HT -2), he is struck with paralysis for 1 minute per margin of failure, after which he remains stunned until passing a HT check. Only humanoids can be affected by this spell. This spell is a charm, so elves receive their MR.
Duration: instant
Trigger: holy symbol, totem or a mystic charm (must be made)

Light, 12’ Radius [light / 3]
Inverse of the Darkness, 12’ Radius spell, providing full illumination (Vision -0) within a 4-yard radius area centered on the caster. If carried into an area under the effect of Darkness, 12’ Radius, the overlapping areas counter each other, resulting in partial darkness (Vision -5). The source of light is a bright white magical orb of radiance hovering above the caster’s head. Cannot be cancelled once cast.
Duration: 30 minutes, can be maintained

Mana Shield [any / 1]
This is an special “instant cast” blocking spell which allows a caster to produce a single-use-per-turn magical shield to block an opponent's spell from striking the caster, played as an interrupt only after the opponent has successfully cast and targeted the caster. This is a completely unique spell in that it is not associated with one specific mana form, but instead is generated in a mana form of the caster’s choosing at time of casting; only for Ritual Magic forms the caster knows. The shield provides a level of Magic Resistance (pg B) based on the mana forms of the mana shield and countered spell: +10 vs. opposed form, +0 vs. same form and +5 vs. all others. This spell can only be cast once per turn, effective against a single attack only.
Duration: instant

Sleep [dark / 2]
As per Affliction, the caster targets a subject (Acc 3, Range 20), attempting to induce sleep. The subject must pass a resist check (HT+0) or instantly fall to sleep for 1 minute per margin of failure. After waking, the subject remains stunned until a successful HT roll is passed (1 per second).
Duration: instant
Trigger: dried Bugolus mushroom
Enhancement: area effect 4-yard-radius, spell level 4 (sor) / 3 (dr,pr)

Divine Spells

Priests / Channelers of Divine Power

The devoted, faithful servants of the divines, priests/priestesses, channel the power of the divines, casting spells solely by the will of the divines.

Power Investiture, Religious Rituals (divine deity)

Divine Pact & Blessing
Each of the divines has their own expectations for the pacts established with their priest disciples, however, they all share one requirement in common--the clerical code of honor:

Code of Honor (clerical): Adhere to the ethics and morals of your faith; always perform your duties
to the best of your ability; always provide religious services when requested by members of the faith; 
spread your faith to the unenlightened; oppose the enemies of the church in whatever means possible. [-15]

In addition to having access to cast spells, priests also receive a Divine Blessing, specific to the deity they’ve aligned with, so long as the priest adheres to the pact.

Deity Mana Pact Blessing Order Symbol
Enkhmaa light Disciplines of Faith (ritual sacrifice: animals) [-5]; Low Empathy [-20]; Vow (ritual observance for full day of change of seasons) [-5]; Precognition (weather) [8]; Racial Memories (passive, human only, unreliable: 11) [7]; Phoenix Hourglass
Gansaikhan dark Bloodlust (15) [-5]; Fanaticism [-15]; Vow (Serve as a soldier for the local lord) [-10]; Cannot have Pacifism. Hard to Kill 3 [4], Unfazeable [11] Sword Cross
Khünkhoi light Berserk (15) [-5]; Disciplines of Faith (asceticism) [-15]; Vow (protect the land, train sustainability) [-10]; Binding (ST 10, only in dense vegetation, 2-foot radius area, one-shot, constriction attack, innacurate 2) [15] Oak Acorn
Medekhbileg dark Berserk (15) [-5]; Disciplines of Faith (asceticism) [-15]; Vow (protect animals from over hunting, train sustainability) [-10]; Shapeshifting (alternate form, bear @ 100%CP+7) [15] Bear Clawed paw
Mönkhgis light Charitable (12) [-15]; Pacifism (cannot harm innocents) [-10]; Vow (abstinence) [-5]; Healing (injuries only) [15] Rose Rose
Naranbataar light Charitable (12) [-15]; Honesty (12) [-10]; Selfless (12) [-5]; Absolute Timing [1]; Detect (building materials) [14] Hammer Hammer
Otgonjargal dark Callous [-5]; Dependency (bath in the sea, weekly) [-10]; Disciplines of Faith (mysticism) [-5]; Impulsiveness (12) [-10] Amphibious (when in water) [7], Doesn’t Breathe (in water only) [8] Sea Conch
Sühksaikhan dark Disciplines of Faith (ritual sacrifice: people) [-10]; Secret (sacrifices, imprisonment) [-20] Affliction (disease: Ranenya, HT-1, melee:C, no signature) [12], Resistant (disease, +3 to HT) [3] Night Black Sun
Yultülga both Lunacy [-10]; Manic-Depressive [-20] Charisma 1 [4], Empathy [11] Moons Black-White Orbs

Priest spells are not elemental, so the mana form of these spells are always either Dark or Light. Each of the divine is aligned with a specific mana form. A priest will only ever have access to one or the other; not both. NOTE: priests of Yulülga have access to Light when “manic” and Dark when “depressive”.

Some priest acquire limited skills and experience with combat, often serving alongside soldiers in armies, but the true warrior priests are the paladins. They are highly trained in combat, often wear heavy armor and are the crusading champions of their faith. They have access to all the same spells and blessings as regular priests.


Command Undead [dark / 5]
Same as Charm Person spell, but subject must be an undead entity.


Banish Undead [light / 1]
A divine light flares from the holy symbol. All undead within an 8-yard-radius of the priest, struck by this light, must resist a Will-5 (+1 per yard distance from priest) check or suffer 2d "holy" burn damage.
Duration: instant
Trigger: holy symbol
Enhancement: increased damage... add 2d damage per +1 level (max 10d)


Cure Disease [light / 4]
For the duration of the blessing, the priest can heal people as per the Healing (B59), but only to cure diseases. The FP cost to heal is 4 less than per the description of the advantage (minimum 0).
Duration: 10 minutes
Trigger: holy symbol
Enhancement: "reliability"... Level 5: +4 bonus to IQ check

Cure Wounds [light / 1]
The priest can touch, or target (Acc 8, Range 10), a subject with a healing energy that restores 1d HP; cannot exceed subjects maximum HP.
Duration: instant

  • Increase amount of HP restored... 1d per +1 spell level (max 10d)
  • Everyone in a 4-yard radius area, +1 spell level

Detect Undead [light /1]
As per Detect (B48), for duration of spell, priest is able to detect the presence of undead. Each second of concentration can attempt to sense one target. A successful sense (vision) roll reveals the precise location (distance and direction) of the undead entity. An IQ roll can attempt to analyze the source: 0-4 type of undead, 5+ commanded or independent. Holy symbol glows brightly and the priest observes a glowing aura of white light enshrouding the identified target(s).
Duration: 1 minute, can be maintained
Trigger: holy symbol

Nature Spells

Druids / Avatars of Nature Spirits and Rangers / Guardians of Nature

Druids are a form of magic user sharing similarities with both priests and sorcerers, yet remaining uniquely different in the regard that they have devoted their life to the protection of nature and are granted access to magic spells from the spirits of nature.

Power Investiture, Ritual Magic (animal,plant)

Nature’s Pact (druid): druids worship the spirits of nature, not the divines, yet they still form a pact in order to be granted use of magic spells. The self-imposed disadvantages of the pact include: Disciplines of Faith (asceticism), Pacifism (self-defense only), Sense of Duty (animals/plants).

Affinity of Nature
Druids are sympathetic to all of nature in general, however, they tend to favor one side over the other, animal vs. plant, which influences their behavior, traits and skills. Additionally, they receive Nature’s Blessing as long as they adhere to their pact (all include pact mod):

  • Speak with Animals (all aquatic/land) ...or... Speak with Plants [9]
  • Animal Empathy ...or... Plant Empathy [3]
  • Natural Traits:
    • Animal (aquatic): Amphibious [6], Doesn’t Breathe (in water only) [6]
    • Animal (land): Acute Senses (pick one) 7 [9]; Claws (sharp) [0]; Teeth (sharp) [3];
    • Plant: Doesn’t Eat (requires 2 hours of sunlight per day) [2], Regeneration (1 HP/hr, requires sunlight) [10]

Totem: each totem must be hand-crafted by the druid, making it unique and only usable by the druid who crafted it. Totems are constructed of several materials associated with the druid's affinity to nature, collected from the area, and combined in a ritual that takes several days (5) to perform. The totems are not consumed when casting a spell, but can become lost or damaged, requiring the druid to construct a new totem.

Rangers are similar to druids in many respects, but less devout. They still gain access to nature magic by pact with nature spirits, but the pact is less severe. Ranges, however, do not gain the Nature's Blessing associated with the Affinity of Nature as druids receive. Rangers can cast both animal and plant spells, so long as they take the Ritual Magic skill for each. Lastly, for any spell requiring a "totem" trigger, the ranger is exempt from the need of a totem. The less restrictive pact and exemption of totem use does come at a cost; rangers cast all nature spells at one level higher than listed in the description.

Nature’s Pact (ranger): Pacifism (cannot harm innocents), Sense of Duty (nature).


Call Lightning [air / 4]
When storm clouds are in the area, the druid is able to call down bolts of lightning which strike within a 16-yard-radius area centered on the druid. The druid can choose to target a bolt at any, and all, individuals in the area of effect, however, the bolt(s) have a chance of missing. For each bolt, roll 3d: 12 or less to hit. Each bolt inflicts 5d burn electric damage. Subjects of attack who are wearing metal armor only receive DR 1 and the bombardment roll gets a +2 bonus to hit. Functions underwater.
Duration: instant
Trigger: totem

Cleansing Flames [fire / 5]
The druid conjures an orb of fire, which when thrown (Acc 3, Range 50), erupts into an inferno of sheets of roaring flames covering a 16-yard radius, causing 4d burn (each second), for a total of 10 seconds. Plants and animals are immune to these magical flames.
Duration: instant
Trigger: totem

Faerie Fire [light / 2]
The druid targets the subject with a ball of magic light (Acc 3, Range 100). If the subject is struck and fails to resist, Will-2, the subject becomes enshroud in an aura of glowing, sparkling, prismatic light which remains for 30 minutes. For the duration of the effect, the subject receives a penalty to any skills based on opposed visibility (shadowing, stealth, etc.), equal to -2 plus the level of darkness (up to a -12 in total darkness). Additionally, attacks made against the target do not suffer any penalty due to darkness.
Duration: instant
Trigger: totem

Fog Cloud [air / 2]
The druid conjures a cloud of fog, centered on him and extending out to 16-yard-radius. Once cast, the fog remains "on" for duration of the spell. The fog is dense, reducing visibility by -5 for anyone attempting to see in-to, out-of, or through the fog. However, the caster is immune to the effect; his vision is unaffected by the fog.
Duration: 10 minutes
Trigger: totem

Nature’s Concealment [animal,plant / 3]
The druid’s body, clothing and carried items transform, as per Chameleon (B41), providing a vision-based bonus to Stealth of +8 when motionless or +4 when moving. Only works when in natural environments. The change remains “on” for the duration of the spell. No signature.
Duration: 30 minutes
Trigger: totem

Spirit Darts [animal,plant / 1]
The druid manifests a handful of darts, made of wood or bone, which are then magically launched at a target (Acc 3, Range 10/20, RoF 1x10, Rcl 1), inflicting 1d pi each. Functions underwater.
Duration: instant

Wellspring [light / 5]
With a touch, the druid imbues the subject--animal, humanoid or plant--with a restorative energy, providing Regeneration (fast) and Regrowth (B80) for 30 minutes, which restores 1 HP per minute and regrows lost limbs.
Duration: instant
Trigger: totem


Charm Animal [animal / 5]
Same as Charm Person spell, but subject must be an animal or beast.

Detect Animal [animal / 1]
As per Detect (B48), for duration of spell, caster is able to detect the presence of animals or beasts. Each second of concentration can attempt to sense one target. A successful sense (hearing) roll reveals the direction of the animal. An IQ roll can attempt to analyze the source, based on margin of success: 0-1 size of animal, 2-3 type of animal, 4-5 current activity/behavior, 6+ condition/health of animal. No signature.
Duration: 1 minute, can be maintained
Trigger: totem

Hold Animal [animal / 4]
Same as Hold Person spell, but subject must be an animal or beast.
Trigger: totem

Repel Insects [animal / 1]
For the duration of the spell, the druid's totem emits a particular energy, undetectable by any except insects, which instills Dread (B133) in all insects; they will not come withing 6-yards of the totem. No signature.
Duration: 30 minutes
Trigger: totem (for rangers, any natural object)

Shapeshifting [animal / 9]
The druid is able to transform into an animal form (any beast or animal), taking on all of the physical characteristics and traits of the animal. The maximum number of "memorized" forms a druid can choose from is equal to the druid's IQ. The transformation takes 2 seconds to complete. For rangers, this spell is often unreliable (activation number 11) and the transformation takes an additional 2 seconds. No signature.
Duration: 30 minutes, can be maintained
Trigger: totem (for rangers, a bone of the specific animal)

Speak with Animals [animal / 1]
The subject of the spell is able to communicate verbally with native animals (not monsters), either "land" or "aquatic" (chosen by caster when spell is cast). No signature.
Duration: 30 minute
Trigger: totem

Summon Beast [animal / 1]
The druid summons a lesser beast or animal, such as bear, wolf, or shark for example. The animal is permitted a Will-2 check. On a failure, it will act as an ally of the druid, otherwise it is free to act as normal. When the spell expires, the creature returns to where it was summoned from.
Duration: 10 minutes, can be maintained
Enhancement: more powerful creatures... Level 3: a greater beast, Level 5: 1d+3 lesser beasts, Level 8: a dire beast.


Barkskin [plant / 1]
The druid’s skin transforms into a tough layer of rigid bark, providing Damage Resistance (DR 5)(B46) versus physical attacks, without hindering movement or adding weight.
Duration: 30 minutes
Trigger: totem

Entangle [plant / 6]
The druid enchants an 8-yard-radius area of dense vegetation (Acc 1, Range 10) which becomes overrun by numerous vine-like tendrils. Every second for the 30 second duration of the spell, the vines attempt to entangle living creatures in the area, as per Binding (B40). Each attempt to grapple is at an effective skill of 12. The vines have ST 20 (cannot be layered). Victims cannot move, change posture or change facing while bound and suffer a -4 to DX. A victim who escapes may become entangled again in subsequent turns. Movement within the area of effect is restricted, requiring 2 movement points per hex. Functions underwater.
Duration: instant
Trigger: totem

Pass without Trace [plant / 1]
For the duration of the spell, the druid is able to walk through the wilderness without leaving any visible signs of his passing.
Duration: 30 minutes, can be maintained
Trigger: totem

Plant Door [plant / 3]
As per the Warp (B97) ability, the druid is able to teleport over great distances, using trees or large plants as doorways connecting the remote locations. The druid is able to carry possessions with him, up to a heavy level of encumbrance. The druid can make as many teleports as he wishes for the duration of the spell. Rangers can only carry up to a light level of encumbrance and also suffer a -6 penalty to the "reliability" for the IQ check.
Duration: 10 minutes, can be maintained
Trigger: totem
Enhancement: increased "reliability"... each +1 to spell level adds +2 to reliability of the IQ check, to a max bonus of +10.

Shillelagh [plant / 2]
The druid enchants a wooden weapon (staff or club) to inflict greater damage (2d cr), and provide an increased chance to hit (+2), for the 10 minute duration of the spell.
Duration: instant

Speak with Plants [plant / 1]
The subject of the spell is able to communicate verbally with native plants (not plant-based monsters). No signature.
Duration: 30 minute
Trigger: totem

Summon Swarm [plant / 1]
The druid summons a swarm of pests or vermin from the "underbrush", such as rats, wasps, or jellyfish for example. The swarm is 1d hex in size; each hex acts as a separate entity. The swarm will act as an ally of the druid, following his directed orders. When the spell expires, the swarm breaks up and flees.
Duration: 10 minutes, can be maintained
Enhancement: a larger swarm... an extra 1d per +1 spell level (max 10)

Sorcery Spells

Sorcerers / Shapers of Elemental Forces

From a time before written history, there have been those who have scientifically studied the nature of mana, observed the results of trial and error experimentation, and documented their findings to pass down this knowledge from master-to-apprentice. This brute force manipulation of mana, taken rather than granted by the divines, is known as sorcery. A sorcerer, or sorceress, performs ritual magic to shape elemental forces to craft the desired magical effects.

Magery, Ritual Magic (air,earth,fire,water)

Sorcerers do not form any form of pact with a higher power in order to use magic, however, learning to use magic is not a simple feat, requiring years of study under the tutelage of a master sorcerer before venturing out on their own. In many cases, this form of training is not readily given; a prospective sorcerer may have to perform some quest to prove their worth, swear an oath of fealty to the master, or serve in a guild of sorcery.


Anti-Magic Shell [light / 4]
The sorcerer conjures an invisible globe, 3-yard radius centered on the sorcerer, which provides Magical Resistance (B67)(MR 10) to everyone under the shell. No signature.
Duration: 1 minute

Charm Monster [light / 7]
Same as Charm Person spell, but subject must be a monster species.

Cloudkill [dark / 5]
The sorcerer summons a smokey black cloud (Acc -1, Range 20) of toxic gases in an 8-yard-radius area, which lasts for 30 seconds; any breeze or wind will cause the cloud to drift. Anyone caught in the cloud, who breathes the fumes, must make a HT-4 roll (no DR bonus) or suffer 4d tox damage each second in the cloud.
Duration: instant
Trigger: Dried Actaea Beetle, $116 ea.

Command Undead [dark / 7]
Same as Charm Person spell, but subject must be an undead entity.

Curse [dark / var.]
The sorcerer targets a foe (humanoid only) with a beam of dark energy. If the subject fails a Regular Contest of sorcerer’s Will (-1 per yard range) vs. subject HT, the subject becomes afflicted with a curse, permanently, or until removed by a potion or spell.

  • Slowed, Altered Time Rate -1 (slowed to 1 action every 2 turns), level 4
  • Blindness, level 4
  • Confused (12), level 4
  • Enfeeblement, Decreased ST 6, level 4
  • Fear, Fearfulness 10, level 4
  • Silenced, Cannot Speak (mute), level 4
  • Unconsciousness, level 5

Duration: instant

Detect Monster [light / 3]
As per Detect (B48), for duration of spell, caster is able to detect the presence of monsters. Each second of concentration can attempt to sense one target. A successful sense (vision) roll reveals the precise location of the monster, seen as a dim aura around the monster. An IQ roll can attempt to analyze the source: 0-1 size of monster, 2-3 type of monster, 4-5 current activity/behavior, 6+ condition/health of monster. No signature.
Duration: 1 minute, can be maintained

Elemental Bow [air,earth,fire,water / 2]
The sorcerer enchants a bow, or crossbow, with elemental magic which provides bonus damage (1d burn) to each arrow/bolt fired for the duration of the enchantment. The elemental damage functions as a follow-up, so if the arrow inflicts sufficient damage to penetrate DR, then the DR does not protect from the elemental damage.
Duration: 5 hours

Elemental Manipulation [air,earth,fire,water / 1]
The sorcerer is able to manipulate a volume of raw, natural elemental substance or energy; this cannot affect elemental beings or the effects of magical spells. The element can be created, reshaped, or transformed at a rate of 1 cubic yard per minute. Alternative, 1 cubic yard per minute of the opposite elemental form can be destroyed. While concentration is maintained, the element holds its shape and form, however, once concentration is lost or the spell has ended, the element returns to its naturally behavior, i.e. fire needs fuel to continue burning, water spread and percolates, and gaseous elements dissipate. Complex forms cannot be created, including mechanism. Precious metals and gemstones cannot be created. If living beings are inside the area of elemental manipulation, a Quick Contest of Will is required for the sorcerer to affect that space.
Duration: 10 minutes, can be maintained
Enhancement: each increase in spell level adds +1 cubic yard per minute, max level 6

Haste [light / 2]
With a touch, the subject of the spell gains Altered Time Rate 1 (B38), granting the subject two actions every turn. The subject can extend the duration of the spell by expending 2 FP. Cannot be cast more than 1/day on the same subject. No signature.
Duration: 6 seconds

Hold Monster [light / 5]
Same as Hold Person spell, but subject must be a monster.

Invisibility [dark / 4]
With a touch, the sorcerer can enchants the subject with Invisibility (B63), including possessions carried up to medium encumbrance. This invisibility is visual only and lasts for the duration of the spell or until the subject makes a melee attack. The subject can spend 2 FP to maintain the effect.
Duration: 10 minutes
Enhancement: up to 7 people in a 2-yard radius can be made invisible, spell level 6

Magic Missile [light / 1]
A total of six orbs of energy form in the sorcerer’s hand, which can then be fired at one or more targets (Acc 10, Range 20, RoF 6, Rcl 1). The missiles can maneuver over or around cover. Each inflicts 1d-2 burn damage.
Duration: instant

Polymorph Self/Other [dark / 7]
The with a touch, the sorcerer can transform the subject into any other living creature of equal or lesser power, as per Shapeshifting (morph)(B84). If the subject is unwilling, he may resist with a successful HT-5 roll. The subject can opt to maintain the effects at a cost of 5 FP.
Duration: 1 hour
Trigger: Junopera Blood, $59

Protection from Arrows [light / 4]
The sorcerer conjures a slightly shimmering magical barrier of force around the sorcerer, that provides Damage Resistance (B46)(DR 8) from all ranged impaling attacks.
Duration: 1 minute, can be maintained

Protection from Monsters [light / 3]
With a touch, the sorcerer imbues the subject with projection from monsters, which lasts for 10 minutes. Any monster that gets within 4-yards of the subject suffers 1d burn damage per second. Also, the first time the monster enters the area, it must pass a Will+0 roll or fall under a Dread (B132) effect that prevents the monster from coming within 2-yards of the subject for 1 minute per margin of failure.
Duration: instant

See Invisible [light / 2]
The sorcerer is able to See Invisible (B83) objects and individuals.
Duration: 10 minutes, can be maintained

Spider Climb [dark / 2]
The sorcerer imbues his hands and feet with Clinging (B43), allowing him to climb on walls and ceilings.
Duration: 1 minute, can be maintained

Stinking Cloud [dark / 4]
The sorcerer summons a mustard-green cloud (Acc -1, Range 20) of noxious gases in an 8-yard-radius area, which lasts for 30 seconds; any breeze or wind will cause the cloud to drift. Anyone caught in the cloud, who breathes the fumes, must make a HT roll (no DR bonus) or suffer from Retching for 1 minute per margin of failure; followed with being Stunned until passing a HT roll.
Duration: instant
Trigger: Powdered Krozdealb, $20 ea.

Stun [light / 4]
The sorcerer casts forth a prismatic flare of light, affecting a cone 10-yards in length and spread. Any in the area who see the flare must make a HT roll (no DR bonus); failure leaves them standing stunned for 1 minute per margin of failure.
Duration: instant

Summon Elemental [air,earth,fire,water / 1]
The sorcerer summons a small sized elemental creature (imp). The elemental is permitted a Will-2 check. On a failure, it will act as an ally of the sorcerer, otherwise it is free to act as normal. When the spell expires, the creature returns to where it was summoned.
Duration: 10 minutes, can be maintained
Enhancement: more powerful creatures... Level 3: a medium sized (minion), Level 5: 1d+3 small sized (imps), Level 8: a large sized (goliath).

Web [dark / 4]
The sorcerer creates a one-yard thick wall of sticky webs (2h / 3w), in targeted area (Acc 3, Range 100). Anyone who touches or attempts to pass through the webs is struck with a Binding, (ST 12 / DR 4). The webs suffers double damage from fire attacks. The wall must be connected on both ends by a solid surface (wall, tree, column, etc.).
Duration: 1 minute
Trigger: a live spider, $11
Enhancement: web size increase… Level 5: 3h / 4w, Level 6: 4h / 6w, Level 7: 6h / 8w

More to come...

Knock Innate Attack crushing only against doors.

Levitate / Telekinesis Clairaudience / Clairvoyance Fly Flight Infravision Monster Summoning Dimension Door / Teleport Grappling Tentacles Animate Dead Reincarnation (give new body)

Elemental - Air

Lightning Bolt [air / 1]
The sorcerer conjures an bolt of lightning which strikes the target (Acc 2, Range 50, RoF 1, Rcl 1), inflicting 1d electric burn damage. Targets wearing metal armor have max DR 1 and provide a +2 bonus to hit.
Duration: instant

  • Increased damage… +1d per spell level +1, max level 9
  • Attack becomes a cone with max width 5-yards ... or… affects a 4-yard radius area , spell level +1

Lightning Shield [air / 5]
The sorcerer conjures a 1-yard radius shell of electricity, forming a protective shield around the sorcerer. The shield provides Damage Resistance (DR 7) against all melee attacks. Additionally, anyone gets close with the sorcerer or touches/strikes the shield suffers 1d electric burn damage. Those wearing metal armor have a maximum DR 1.
Duration: 1 minute, can be maintained

Protection from Air [air / 1]
With a touch, the sorcerer imbues the subject with Damage Resistance (DR 4) protection against air damage, lasting for 1 minute. Every 10 points of damage absorbed reduces the DR by 1. The subject can maintain the protection for 1 FP per minute. A faint, shimmering shield of dim yellow light enshrouds the subject.
Duration: instant
Enhancement: increased resistance… a +4 DR per spell level +1, no max.

Sand Storm [air / 5]
The sorcerer conjures an ragging, whirling wind, kicking up sand and other small debris in a 16-yard radius centered on the sorcerer. Each second, for 30 seconds, all enemy within the area are struck with 2d+2 (5) pi- damage. Additionally, those caught in the storm must pass a HT roll (-1 per every 2 points penetrating damage) or suffer the side effects Coughing (mitigated by holding breath) and Blindness (mitigated by eyes protected with goggles or a minimum Nictitating Membrane 2) for 1 minute per margin of failure .
Duration: instant

Shocking Grasp [air / 1]
The sorcerer’s hand (pick one) becomes enshroud in an aura of flickering electricity, which inflicts 1d+4 electric burn damage to anyone he touches or strikes with an unarmed melee attack. Target’s wearing metal armor have a max DR 1 and provide a +2 bonus to hit. If his basic attack penetrates the target’s DR, the fire damage is not reduced by DR. For the duration of the spell, the sorcerer can turn this ability “on” or “off” at will.
Duration: 1 minute, can be maintained

Wall of Lightning [air / 2]
The sorcerer creates a one-yard thick wall (2h / 12w) made up of a crackly, shocking tumult of electricity, in a targeted area (Acc 3, Range 20). Anyone attempting to pass through the wall suffers 1d electric burn damage per second. Vision blocked by wall.
Duration: 10 sec, can be maintained
Trigger: Copper rod, $26 ea.
Enhancement: increased damage… +1d damage per +1 spell level; max level 7.

Elemental - Earth

Acid Arrow [earth / 1]
The sorcerer conjures a bolt of acid which is fired at the target (Acc 3, Range 10/100, RoF 1, Rcl 1), inflicting 1d cor damage; for every 5 damage inflicted, reduce target's DR by 1.
Duration: instant

  • +1 cycle (1-sec), can be washed off, spell level +1, max level 9
  • Attack becomes a cone with max width 5-yards ... or… affects a 4-yard radius area , spell level +1

Acidic Palms [earth / 1]
The sorcerer’s hand (pick one) becomes enshroud in an oozing layer of acid, which inflicts 1d cor damage to anyone he touches or strikes with an unarmed melee attack. Every 5 points of damage dealt to armor reduces the DR by 1. If his basic attack penetrates the target’s DR, the acid damage is not reduced by DR. For the duration of the spell, the sorcerer can turn this ability “on” or “off” at will.
Duration: 1 minute, can be maintained

Meteor Swarm [earth / 5]
The sorcerer conjures an smokey, ashen storm in the sky that rains flaming meteors down into a 16-yard radius centered on the sorcerer. Each second, for 10 seconds, all enemy within the area are targeted; a bombard roll 3d of 12 or less strikes the foe for 2d+2 inc cr damage.
Duration: instant
Trigger: Chunk of lava rock, $45 each

Protection from Earth [earth / 1]
With a touch, the sorcerer imbues the subject with Damage Resistance (DR 4) protection against earth damage, lasting for 1 minute. Every 10 points of damage absorbed reduces the DR by 1. The subject can maintain the protection for 1 FP per minute. A faint, shimmering shield of dim violet light enshrouds the subject.
Duration: instant
Enhancement: increased resistance… a +4 DR per spell level +1, no max.

Stone Shard Shield [earth / 5]
The sorcerer conjures a 1-yard radius shell of stone shards, forming a protective shield around the sorcerer. The shield provides Damage Resistance (DR 7) against all melee attacks. Additionally, anyone gets close with the sorcerer or touches/strikes the shield suffers 1d-1 cut damage.
Duration: 1 minute, can be maintained

Wall of Stone [earth / 2]
The sorcerer creates a one-yard thick wall (2h / 12w) made up of a groaning, grinding maelstrom of rocks and stones, in a targeted area (Acc 3, Range 20). Anyone attempting to pass through the wall suffers 1d cr damage per second. Vision blocked by wall.
Duration: 10 sec, can be maintained
Trigger: Granite rock, $21
Enhancement: increased damage… +1d damage per +1 spell level; max level 7.

Elemental - Fire

Fireball [fire / 1]
The sorcerer conjures an orb of flame which is hurled at the target (Acc 4, Range 20, RoF 1, Rcl 1), inflicting 2d burn damage.
Duration: instant

  • +1 cycle (1-sec), can be extinguished, spell level +1, max level 9
  • Attack becomes a cone with max width 5-yards ... or… affects a 4-yard radius area , spell level +1

Fire Shield [fire / 5]
The sorcerer conjures a 1-yard radius shell of fire, forming a protective shield around the sorcerer. The shield provides Damage Resistance (DR 7) against all melee attacks. Additionally, anyone gets close with the sorcerer or touches/strikes the shield suffers 1d burn damage.
Duration: 1 minute, can be maintained

Fire Storm [fire / 5]
The sorcerer conjures an inferno of sheets of roaring flames in a 16-yard radius centered on the sorcerer. Each second, for 10 seconds, all enemy within the area are struck with 3d burn.
Duration: instant
Trigger: Crenata Heart, $20 ea.

Flaming Hand [fire / 1]
The sorcerer’s hand (pick one) becomes enshroud in an aura of flames, which inflicts 1d+4 burn damage to anyone he touches or strikes with an unarmed melee attack. If his basic attack penetrates the target’s DR, the fire damage is not reduced by DR. For the duration of the spell, the sorcerer can turn this ability “on” or “off” at will.
Duration: 1 minute, can be maintained

Protection from Fire [fire / 1]
With a touch, the sorcerer imbues the subject with Damage Resistance (DR 4) protection against fire damage, lasting for 1 minute. Every 10 points of damage absorbed reduces the DR by 1. The subject can maintain the protection for 1 FP per minute. A faint, shimmering shield of dim red light enshrouds the subject.
Duration: instant
Enhancement: increased resistance… a +4 DR per spell level +1, no max.

Wall of Flame [fire / 2]
The sorcerer creates a one-yard thick wall (2h / 12w) made up of a scorching, turbulent flames, in a targeted area (Acc 3, Range 20). Anyone attempting to pass through the wall suffers 1d burn damage per second. Vision blocked by wall.
Duration: 10 sec, can be maintained
Trigger: Crenata Heart, $20 ea.
Enhancement: increased damage… +1d damage per +1 spell level; max level 7.

Elemental - Water

Frost Shield [water / 5]
The sorcerer conjures a 1-yard radius shell of icy frost, forming a protective shield around the sorcerer. The shield provides Damage Resistance (DR 7) against all melee attacks. Additionally, anyone gets close with the sorcerer or touches/strikes the shield suffers 1d-2 fat damage.
Duration: 1 minute, can be maintained

Frost Storm [water / 5]
The sorcerer conjures a bitter, freezing cold in a 16-yard radius centered on the sorcerer. Each second, for 10 seconds, all enemy within the area must resist (HT-4) or suffer 1d+2 fat damage.
Duration: instant
Trigger: Tulipea Leech, $21 ea.

Ice Javelin [water / 1]
The sorcerer conjures a javelin of ice which is fired at the target (Acc 2, Range 50, RoF 1, Rcl 1), inflicting 4 imp damage.
Duration: instant

  • Increased damage per level… +4 damage per spell level +1, max level 9
  • Attack becomes a cone with max width 5-yards ... or… affects a 4-yard radius area , spell level +1

Icy Touch [water / 1]
The sorcerer’s hand (pick one) becomes enshroud in an aura of chilling frost, which inflicts 1d fat damage to anyone he touches or strikes with an unarmed melee attack. If his basic attack penetrates the target’s DR, the ice damage is not reduced by DR. For the duration of the spell, the sorcerer can turn this ability “on” or “off” at will.
Duration: 1 minute, can be maintained

Protection from Water [water / 1]
With a touch, the sorcerer imbues the subject with Damage Resistance (DR 4) protection against fire damage, lasting for 1 minute. Every 10 points of damage absorbed reduces the DR by 1. The subject can maintain the protection for 1 FP per minute. A faint, shimmering shield of dim blue light enshrouds the subject.
Duration: instant
Enhancement: increased resistance… a +4 DR per spell level +1, no max.

Wall of Ice [water / 2]
The sorcerer creates a one-yard thick wall (2h / 12w) made up of a creaking, crunching maelstrom of jagged ice chunks, in a targeted area (Acc 3, Range 20). Anyone attempting to pass through the wall suffers 1d cut damage per second. Vision blocked by wall.
Duration: 10 sec, can be maintained
Trigger: Glacial melt-off water, $46 ea.
Enhancement: increased damage… Level 3: 1d+3, Level 4: 2d+1, Level 5: 3d, Level 6: 3d+3, Level 7: 4d+1.