Travel in Kaliteth

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Main: Kaliteth

For anyone possessing the need or desire to travel beyond the city or town of one's birth, there are a number of choices to choose from. In the following guide, we will provide you with a description of the methods of travel one may find available, the costs associated with these methods and a list detailing the encounters, both good and ill, one might expect during one's travels.

By Road

Although your course of travel may follow no road at all, travelling by land is the most commonly undertaken method of relocating oneself from here to there. As most possess two feet with which to scurry about, one may not find that the best means of getting oneself to their destination.

Carts & Carriages

Menagerie of Mounts

By Sea

For those who will be travelling especially far from home, the need may arise to pass over the vast bodies of water. Although some have a more natural ability to floating, or bobbing, in calm waters, only the truly foolhardy would attempt a swim across the seas.

Smallish Boats

When travelling in small groups over short distances in relatively calm waters, the use of a small boat often makes the most sense. Although these boats are not typically available for rent, they can generally be sold at a good value if the destination is reached with few mishaps.

Boat Type Occupants Load Load Weight Move Cost
Kayak, 10' 1 0.1 0.15 2/3 $150
Canoe, 8' 1+1 0.2 0.3 1/2 $200
Long Canoe, 20' 2+2 0.8 0.88 1.25/3 $300
Fishing Boat, 24' 2+2 1.2 1.75 0.6/3 $2,400

Sailing Ships

Ship Type Occupants Load Load Weight Move Fare Transport
Caravel, 54' 11+4A 60 80 1/4.5 $1.50/mile $0.50/ton/mile
Galleon, 108' 71+12A 740 840 0.25/3 $2.00/mile $0.20/ton/mile